Risk & Business Magazine Marcotte The Magazine - Winter 2018 | Page 5

CAPTIVE INSURANCE A “captive” is a legal entity in which many companies band together to form a unified risk pool. Under a captive program, the burden of providing health insurance coverage is jointly owned by member participants. All are responsible for the captive’s performance, sharing equally in its expenses and profits. Participating companies have the dual benefits of being able to design their own plan while having the resources of a larger entity behind them. LIKE MOST OTHER FINANCIAL OPTIONS, CAPTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAMS MAY BE IDEAL FOR SOME COMPANIES AND NOT RECOMMENDED FOR OTHERS. Here we provide a general outline of the major benefits of captive insurance that many of our clients have already experienced. For greater specifics about plan design or implementation, your best bet is to consult directly with your Marcotte Employee Benefits Advisor. ENHANCED FLEXIBILITY – When you design your own health insurance plan, you can focus on the elements most needed by your workforce and dismiss others which may not be as critical. For example, if you have workers prone to back stress and injury due to their jobs, it would make sense to include chiropractic services in your plan. If your employees work in a noisy environment, perhaps an annual hearing exam would make sense. With this degree of flexibility, you can focus on the areas your employees need most. IMPROVED TRANSPARENCY - One of the biggest problems we hear from companies with traditional health insurance plans is that they have little idea of the services being used most by employees and those that are underutilized. By having the ability to access and analyze detailed claims data, you can focus on strengthening the benefits that are most in demand by employees, educate employees about lesser-used services to increase utilization, or discontinue unpopular services altogether in favor of something more useful. GREATER EFFICIENCY - Many companies find that a captive insurance program operates much more smoothly than a traditional plan by providing reimbursements and medical approvals more quickly, helping to keep your employees’ care and recovery on track. Since you are less likely to experience volatile premium increases, you can often plan better and utilize payments that normally would have gone to your insurance company by investing them directly on behalf of your employees and their health. HEALTHIER WORKFORCE - Study after study has shown that the majority of health care costs in the US stem from preventable diseases like obesity and heart disease. A captive plan focused on disease management can be instrumental in minimizing risk and producing healthy outcomes. For example, if your employees tend to postpone routine care appointments, they probably end up seeking treatment when the situation becomes more serious and expensive to treat. We help employers develop healthy living programs that educate workers about preventative care and how it lowers their cost of care by avoiding emergency treatments. Despite these potential benefits, a captive insurance plan is not for everyone. Underwriting losses and the reduced diversification within a smaller pool of participants can increase risks to the point that the captive program no longer seems attractive. Although much of the increased risk is offset by reinsurance, significant up- front costs and fees may make traditional insurance a better choice for some companies. Over the past few years, Marcotte has helped dozens of companies analyze the costs and benefits of choosing a captive structure for their particular business. We are available to walk you through the decision-making process and offer guidance based on your company’s healthcare goals and realities. Bill Barclay has been a leader and innovator in employee benefit plan design for nearly 25 years. Bill has always been a marketplace pioneer including his early adoption of consumer directed healthcare plans. He is a principal with Marcotte and serves on the board of directors. Bill works with Marcotte clients to design, implement and communicate comprehensive benefit programs. He has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Loras College in Dubuque, Iowa. 5