Risk & Business Magazine Lloyd Sadd Insurance Brokers Spring 2016 | Page 7

Alberta Government Passes Bill 6 What You Need to Know BY: RYAN MILLER, ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE AT LLOYD SADD INSURANCE O n Thursday, Dec. 10, 2015, the Government of Alberta passed Bill 6, the Enhanced Protection for Farm and Ranch Workers Act. The legislation, which will impact approximately 60,000 Canadian farms and ranches, aims to safeguard workers by extending provincial safety regulations to the agriculture industry and by requiring worker’s compensation coverage. Specifically, the bill does the following: 1. Subjects farms and ranches that employ one or more non-family waged workers to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) legislation in an effort to prevent injury or death (effective Jan.1, 2016). 2. Makes Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) coverage mandatory for farms with non-family waged workers in order to financially protect workers following any injuries (effective Jan.1, 2016). 3. Includes farms and ranches in Employment Standards and Labour Relations legislation (effective spring 2016). 4. Allows agricultural workers unionize (effective spring 2016). to farmhands are not subject to the OHS and WCB regulations outlined in the legislation. For more information on Bill 6, including details on the changes as well as frequently asked questions, visit the Government of Alberta’s Web page on the Enhanced Protection for Farm and Ranch Workers act, or contact your Lloyd Sadd Executive today. Following its announcement in November, Bill 6 sparked concern and protest from farmers who argued that the proposed legislation was an attack on their way of life. Opponents worried that the government was not providing enough details and that Bill 6 did not take into account that, in some cases, farms are more like homes than businesses. Following the controversy, the Government of Alberta amended Bill 6 so that farm owners, family members and unpaid Source: Zywave, Inc. SPRING 2016 7