Risk & Business Magazine Lloyd Sadd Insurance Brokers Spring 2016 | Page 12

Why Are You Here? The Simple Story That is Missing From Your Marketing BY: ANDREW DAVIS, CO-FOUNDER, TIPPINGPOINT LABS W hy are you here? Not metaphysically. But, why is your business located in THIS city? Why have you chosen to build your business in THIS town? Your “About Us” Page I am willing to bet that the most underserved and un-interesting page on your website is your “About Us” page. Core values that don’t mean anything litter these pages. Your “About Us” page is a repository for vague mission statements and boring bios that do little to differentiate your business. It’s time to use this page to tell a story. The Origin Story Great origin stories become legends. They become a piece of pop (or even corporate) folklore. What’s your orgin story? WHY are you here? We live in a global economy. We can choose to buy from anyone anywhere in the world. So why should I buy from you? The Price of a Pen There are two pens in front of you. They look the same: a $5 pen made in China and a $10 pen made in the USA. Which one would you buy? We love a good origin story. If you are like [