Risk & Business Magazine Lloyd Sadd Insurance Brokers Fall 2015 | Page 31
them to ensure they are maximizing their
“Margining” capability at their financial
institution against their Line of Credit,
which doesn’t always happen.
Q: What is the Broker Advantage?
A: There are a few advantages such as;
The use of a Specialist Broker such
as Global Trade Credit will provide
the necessary knowledge as a trusted
business advisor to communicate with
all 8 Insurance companies. We can
request a customized policy for your
business by soliciting competitive terms
and pricing from the broad insurance
market. By regularly doing business
with various insurance carriers, an
independent broker can find you the best
combination of:
• Competitive pricing
• Quality of service
• Clear policy wording
• Claims paying reputation
• Insurer capability and capacity
• Policy flexibility and customization
If the client received the policy
themselves, the Captive agents/Direct
writers on the other hand, can only
advise you on the pricing and terms of
the one insurance carrier they represent.
The use of an independent broker will
compare and find the best trade credit
insurance solution for your company!
You will get competitive pricing without
increasing the Cost…
Insurance carriers either pay an
independent broker’s commission or
they pay for their own captive sales force.
What is most important is that you find
the best price, terms, and policy structure
to meet your needs as they know they are
in a competitive situation, which is what
an independent broker will do for you.
issues, potential non-payment of claims
and not receiving any premium refunds
offered, in short they have no advocate!
You can have a knowledgeable Broker
service your Policy…
Take advantage of this valuable service
free of charge and call one of Global
Trade Credit’s professional’s today to
learn more about using their services to
your advantage, call 1-844-776-9760 at
any time.
After a policy is sold, independent brokers
continue performing valuable day-to-day
services, monitoring the adequacy of
your coverage limits and policy terms as
market conditions fluctuate, and making
sure that your claims are handled fairly.
Clearly, using an independent broker
such as Global Trade Credit is a valueadded proposition.
Q: How companies can benefit?
A: Having a knowledgeable Specialty
Broker that is familiar first hand with
the business climate in Canada, and can
represent you appropriately with the
Insurance Community which is based
out of Eastern Canada, you can rest
assured that your interests are being well
I take great pride in assisting companies
across Canada doing business around the
world, because I grew up on a grain farm
and know what hard work it takes to be
“We are Securing your
Business, by Insuring your
There are a number of companies that