Risk & Business Magazine Lloyd Sadd Insurance Brokers Fall 2015 | Page 20

Retaining Your High Performers Learn Some Practical Ways to Retain Your Best Employess BY: DR. BRAD SMART, AUTHOR AND PRESIDENT AND CEO OF TOPGRADING, INC. Do you have so few high performers that when one quits you feel your business is a little more at risk? I f so, at least you’re in good company. Read on, to learn some practical ways to retain your best performers. R&B talked with Brad Smart, a talent expert credited with helping leading companies such as General Electric hire, develop, and retain so many high performers it became the most valuable company in the world. company. Not any more! Small and mid size companies, especially ones that are growing rapidly, sometimes pay more, are more fun because of relaxed rules, and provide plenty of opportunities to grow. That said; my guess is that 95% of all companies feel that failing to retain high performers is a significant issue. R&B: Brad, which do a better job of retaining high performers: small companies or big companies? R&B: Why is that? Brad: Big companies used to have a huge advantage – used to – because they offered high pay and all sorts of developmental opportunities, plus the prestige of working for a fam