Risk & Business Magazine Knight Archer Insurance Spring 2016 | Page 18
aren’t trying to figure out why things are the way that they
are. They are trying to figure out why things aren’t better. This
leads from a situation of scarcity to a situation of abundance.
Once something becomes information based, the cost goes
down and the prevalent mindset becomes one of abundance.
The mindset of these individuals is that nothing is impossible.
When speaking with Elon Musk about issues with high-speed
hyperloop bullet train, Salim found that Elon replied that (to
paraphrase), “that’s an issue we have to overcome”. In other
worse, Elon did not consider the problem he was facing to be
impossible; he simply considered it something that needed to
be worked out.
The Internet allows us to drop the cost of demand
exponentially. The issue now is finding a way to drop the cost
of supply exponentially. That solution is what existing ExO’s
like Uber, AirBnB, Zappos, and many others have found.
That is why they are having