Risk & Business Magazine Knight Archer Insurance Magazine 2018 | Page 23

PUBLIC SPEAKING OCT 16-17, 2018 BY: SUSAN CAIN, CO-FOUNDER OF QUIET REVOLUTION & AUTHOR OF QUIET POWER 9. SMILE AT YOUR AUDIENCE AS THEY ENTER THE ROOM, AND SMILE AT THEM WHEN YOU BEGIN SPEAKING. This will make you feel relaxed, confident, and connected. Denver, CO • Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel WHERE LEADING SCALE UPS GET THE BEST IDEAS! SUMMIT SPEAKERS! 10. HERE IS A FUNNY TIP FROM A READER OF THE HAPPINESS PROJECT. IT’S PROBABLY NOT THE BEST ADVICE, BUT IT WILL MAKE YOU LAUGH: “My eighth-grade teacher told us all to pretend the people [in the audience] are heads of cabbages. I never quite got that one as making much sense, but to this day (40 years later) I still say that line to myself before I speak. And I laugh.” + BRAD FELD GEOFF SMART ALYSIA LOVE AUTHOR OF DO MORE FASTER AUTHOR OF WHO: THE A METHOD FOR HIRING PRINCIPAL AT GHSMART DOUG ROSE JOHN HALL JEFF HOFFMAN AUTHOR OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR BUSINESS AUTHOR OF TOP OF MIND AUTHOR OF SCALE Susan Cain is the co-founder of Quiet Revolution and the author of the best-sellers Quiet Power: The Secret Strengths of Introverts, and Quiet: The Power of Introverts in A World That Can’t Stop Talking, which has been translated into 40 languages, has been on the New York Times best-seller list for over four years, and was named the #1 best book of the year by Fast Company magazine, which also named Cain one of its Most Creative People in Business. This article originally appeared on quietrev.com and is based on Susan Cain’s best-selling book, QUIET: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking RESERVE YOUR SEAT TODAY: SCALINGUP.COM • [email protected] 23