Risk & Business Magazine Knight Archer Insurance Fall 2015 | Page 6
Q&A with Jason Drummond
An Entrepreneur and Successful Businessman Shares His Insights
[email protected]
ason Drummond is President of the Drummond Group
of Companies, currently serves as Managing Director of
both York Plains Investment Corp and DGC Investments.
Over the years, he has been involved in numerous startup companies in a variety of industries, including the
agriculture, food and beverage, real estate, oil and gas
exploration, production, and processing. Jason holds a
Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the
University of Regina.
Jason plays an integral role in a fundraiser on his family’s
farm just outside Regina called Hawg-A-Rama. The event
raises money for local charities and sport. Jason and his wife
Kelly have six children.
Joel: Jason, thank you very much to agreeing to share some
of your insights into your corporate world, from both an
entrepreneur and a successful businessman’s perspective.
Joel: What is the important thing to remember when starting
a business for the first time?
Jason: When starting a business it’s important to remember
that you will face many challenges. Some you will have been
aware of but many will surprise you or will be tougher then
you had anticipated. It’s good to know that everyone faces
challenges on a regular basis. So be prepared to put the
necessary time and effort into working through them and
you’ll enjoy your success moments that much more.
Joel: Great advice, Jason. Speaking of working through
challenges, in the past year, what is the smallest change you
have made that has had the biggest positive result?
Jason: I started to regularly schedule face to face meetings
with partners and key people with no agenda other then to
blue sky ideas and brainstorm. Whether it’s walking down the
street for an hour long meeting or travelling to another city
for a couple days to brainstorm, it’s worth the time and effort.
Majority of the time you come away with an actionable item or
open up doors that otherwise wouldn’t have existed had you
remained firmly planted in your office.
Joel: You mentioned brainstorming with your partners. Being
in business with others can be interesting to say the least. How
do protections like a Buy/Sell Agreement, supported by life
insurance, ensure the smooth running of your corporations?
Jason: It gives the group peace of mind. Running a business
can be a struggle as it is. Having structures in place that keeps
things streamlined, simple, and clear can only have a positive
effect on the business should unfortunate or complicating
matters arise.
Joel: How important is it to have a team of Advisors you can
trust for legal, accounting, insurance, etc. matters?
Jason: You want to be focused as much as you can on operating
the business. By having qualified professionals manage the
other areas of the business, it frees up time to grow your
business or spend more time on your personal life. Of course
it takes time to build those types of relationships but it’s
certainly worth it and those people can truly add value.
Joel: People often reference their successes in business, but are
hesitant to discuss times when they weren’t as successful. If