Risk & Business Magazine Jones DesLauriers Insurance Magazine F2017/W2018 | Page 8

TRAVEL SECURITY BY: CHUBB INSURANCE Is Your Home Prepared To Be Alone While You Travel? I f you were going out of town for vacation, you’d make sure a few things were taken care of. Any pets would be safe and sound, either at a care facility or with family or friends. After all, they can’t take care of themselves without you around. How about your car? You’d lock it and put it either in the garage or in a visible enough area to where you won’t have to worry about it while you are away. But how about your home? Is your home prepared to be by itself for the duration of your travel? Many people assume the answer is yes, but that isn’t always the case. What if you spring a leak in some pipes? How about an electrical fire? It’s not just property damage either. According to the FBI, out of an estimated 1.5 million burglaries nationwide in 2015, about 71.6 percent took place in residential areas. When preparing to go on vacation and leave your home and grounds unattended, this is an important statistic to keep in mind. Fortunately, however, there are some simple things 8 you can do before leaving to help protect your home from risk: Criminals can see when you are away and use that information to their advantage. LOOK LIKE YOU HAVEN’T LEFT Before leaving, set timers on interior and exterior lights to give the impression of activity within the home. Also, arrange for someone to pick up your mail and keep the lawn trimmed and looking nice. Along the same lines, think about yourself when you are gone as well. Will you be renting a car or using unfamiliar technology? How about getting around town once you arrive? Will you need to purchase medical or travel assistance packages? Just like you prepare your home, you also need to prepare yourself for your trip. Don’t overlook things, because once the time comes in unfamiliar territory, you could be left wishing you had put a little more work into the advanced planning and mitigation of risk you may face when on the road. SECURE AND ALARM THE PROPERTY Ensure all doors and windows are locked and the home is either alarmed or being monitored by a security company. Always let your alarm company know you will be out of town. SHUT OFF ALL APPLIANCES To protect against the potential of property damage, turn off washing machines, dishwashers, and other large appliances. AVOID POSTING PLANS ON SOCIAL MEDIA At least until you have safely returned. While it’s fun to share everything you are up to, it’s not always the best idea. Regardless of where you are going or how long you are going to be gone, from a weekend trip to the beach all the way to a two-week excursion out of the country, it pays to be safe and prepared. Travel should be fun, not stressful. We want to help make your travel everything you want it to be. For more information, visit us online at www2.chubb.com/ca-en/. +