HERE ARE SOME QUESTIONS TO ASK : Does the policy cover malicious actions taken by an employee ?
Does the policy cover social engineering as well as network attacks ? Social engineering plays a role in all kinds of attacks , including phishing , spear phishing and advanced persistent threats .
Does the policy insure coverage for business interruption losses to your business resulting from a cyber event ?
A good first step is to create a cyber-risk profile for your company . Jones DesLauriers Insurance Management ( JDIMI ) can help you create a list of expenses you want to have covered in the event of an incident . Then , we can determine an estimate for third-party costs . JDIMI can assist in providing an insurance calculator to help you create a list of coverage and estimate costs . A proficient JDIMI broker will have information on other businesses that may have experienced a cyber event within your industry , the costs associated with them , and the implications for their businesses .
JDIMI has been providing cyber liability insurance to its customers for well over a decade . We utilise only the best insurers , those with the most comprehensive wordings and proven track records of effective cyber loss resolution . In the event of a cyber loss , an experienced broker and insurer will provide you with the qualified professional assistance you need to quickly mitigate the loss and get your business back to normal operation . +