Risk & Business Magazine JGS Insurance Spring 2020 | Page 16

GOAL SETTING GOAL SETTING: 5 SCIENCE BACKED STEPS TO SETTING AND ACHIEVING YOUR GOALS W hy do some goals fail? Do you ever wonder why some New Year’s Resolutions die a long slow death, while others seem as easy to do as a simple checklist item? It comes down to science. • I want to teach you the science of goal setting. • I want to teach you the research behind resolutions. • I want to teach you our investigations for intentions. Professors get tenure faster, employees get larger raises, even students learn up to 250 percent faster when goals are set for them (far, far more than if they merely are told to ‘do their best’). HOWEVER, NOT ALL GOALS ARE CREATED EQUAL: • Merely fantasizing about your goal is de-motivating–it tricks the brain into thinking you already have achieved it. • Goals that aren’t set up properly can end up having the opposite effect. There is a science to setting successful goals and New Year’s Resolutions, and it’s not what you would think. In this article, I want to talk about how to set your goals effectively, and then proactively achieve them. How do you effectively go about setting and achieving your goals? Throw out everything you ever have heard about goals. This year, I want you try science-based goal setting! THE RESEARCH IS CLEAR (Cue booming music and fireworks sound effects here) People who set goals are more successful. 16