Risk & Business Magazine JGS Insurance Risk & Business Magazine Summer 2018 | Page 26

EPLI Why EPLI Is Crucial To Your Business D id you witness how quickly the #MeToo movement swept through the country? It seemed as if no sectors were left untouched, and everyone has become hyperaware of potential harassment concerns. Before we discuss why employment practices liability insurance (EPLI) can help, let’s take a closer look at other potential liabilities lurking in the employment arena. Even before the #MeToo movement began unfolding in late 2017, employee lawsuits were on the rise in the United States. Employees can file claims for all sorts of reasons. A simple offhand comment or unintended bias in an interview can place your company at significant risk. Areas of potential liability for employers include the following: • • Wrongful termination • • Sexual or workplace harassment Discrimination (race, age, sex and other categories) Breach of employment contract Here are a few examples that may just provide a wake-up call to how serious—and commonplace — these exposures can be: • An employee writes offensive or crude comments on a bathroom stall wall and another employee is offended • An employee tells off-color jokes that offend other employees • You are deciding between two female employees for promotion and select the one who is not pregnant • You prohibit an employee from returning after a medical leave unless the employee has full clearance to perform all job duties • An employee has filed a harassment lawsuit and doesn’t get a raise during 26 a performance review when other similarly classified employees receive them While the most claims result from allegedly unfair employment terminations, other types of lawsuits are becoming increasing widespread: • Pregnancy discrim