Risk & Business Magazine JGS Insurance Magazine - Summer 2019 | 页面 2

PUBLISHER MANAGING EDITOR GRAPHIC DESIGN CONTENT COORDINATOR Carle Publishing Inc. Erika MacLeod Carmen McKay Stacey Cowperthwaite Alicia Ambrose ADVERTISING (LOCAL) 16 CONTRIBUTORS Vinnie Hager Gwenyth Luu Meaghan Tyndale-Williams Barry E. Fields Ross Rutman Alicia Ambrose Jim Sheils Angela Duckworth Joe Pulizzi Dr. Travis Bradberry Simon Sinek Judith E. Glaser Shawn Hunter John DiJulius Conor Moran Bernie Cosentino Eric Wokas Steve Roderick Ryan Fleming Chase Helwig PHOTOGRAPHY All images sourced from Carle Publishing Inc or iStock.com unless otherwise identified. feature SIMON SINEK THE SCIENCE OF WHY CONTENTS 3 LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT 4 HURRICANE COVERAGE 5 WORKERS’ COMPENSATION AUDITS 6 WHY SELF-CARE IS CRUCIAL FOR TRUE SUCCESS 7 DOES UNPLUGGING TO RECHARGE REALLY WORK? 8 6 FEARS TO OVERCOME FOR BUSINESS SUCCESS NEW ADDRESS! JGS INSURANCE Bell Works: 101 Crawfords Corner Road, Suite 1300, Holmdel, NJ 07733 JGSINSURANCE.COM JGS Insurance Risk & Business Magazine is published by Carle Publishing Inc. All content, copyright © 2019, Carle Publishing Inc. All rights reserved. Risk & Business Magazine TM is a valued and recognized trademark of Carle Publishing Inc. This publication may not be reproduced, all or in part, without written consent from the publisher. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of all content in this publication, however, neither the publisher nor JGS Insurance will be held responsible for omissions or errors. Articles, reports and information contained herein reflect the views of the individuals who wrote or prepared them and do not necessarily represent the position of the publisher or JGS Insurance. The material herein is intended for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing herein is to be considered the rendering of insurance advice for specific cases or circumstances. Communication of any legal information contained herein does not constitute an attorney-client relationship, nor convey legal advice or recommendation of any kind. Do not rely on information contained herein to replace consultation with qualified brokers, attorneys or other professionals in your jurisdiction. Please address all editorial and advertising inquiries to Carle Publishing Inc., Email: erika@ carlepublishing.com. Carle Publishing Inc. is not held responsible for the loss, damage or any other injury to unsolicited material (including but not limited to manuscripts, artwork, photographs and advertisements). Unsolicited material must be included with a self-addressed, overnight-delivery return envelope, postage prepaid. Carle Publishing Inc. and JGS Insurance will not give nor rent your name, mailing address or other contact information to third parties. Subscriptions are complimentary for qualified individuals. TM CARLE PUBLISHING Toll Free: (877) 719-8919, Fax: (866) 609-5674 [email protected] | carlepublishing.com 2 9 YOU'VE GOT 18 SUMMERS 10 GRIT WILL TAKE YOU FARTHER THAN TALENT 12 HOW SPONSORED CONTENT COULD KILL THE MEDIA 14 7 CORE BELIEFS OF GREAT BOSSES 20 THIS ONE HABIT HOLDS TOP LEADERS BACK 22 WHY IS IT SO HARD TO LIVE UP TO OUR VALUES? 24 TOP 7 SOFT SKILLS 25 THE IMPORTANCE OF CLIENT ONBOARDING 26 DISASTER-SPECIFIC INSURANCE 27 UNMANNED AERIAL SYSTEMS 28 HOW TO FIX ANYTHING 30 YOU'RE EITHER FIRST, BEST, OR.. IRRELEVANT 31 DOES YOUR BUSINESS NEED EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES LIABILITY INSURANCE?