Risk & Business Magazine JGS Insurance Magazine Fall 2018 | Page 29

EMBRACE LIFE DETOURS BY: RYAN FLEMING DIRECTOR - HABITATIONAL GROUP JGS INSURANCE Road Closed Ahead—That’s A Good Thing! BE READY TO DIVORCE YOUR LIFE AT ANY MOMENT W ow! Well now that I have your attention, I don’t actually mean divorce your life, head for Eastern Asia, become a monk and disappear. To clarify, what I’m actually talking about is the ability to be prepared to reassess where you are and where you need to go at any moment. Otherwise you can find yourself holding onto parts of your life that are limiting you without even knowing it. I’ve made it a habit to take a look at my life semiannually and make adjustments as needed in order to be able to catapult myself forward. This wasn’t always the case. At age 35, I found myself struggling at my job and in a marriage I had no business being in. It wasn’t until divorce—followed closely by a fairly serious motorcycle accident—that I woke up and realized that I needed to take control of things. It shouldn’t have to take extreme adversity for someone to find clarity, but it often does. We’ve all heard of moving people in and out o f our lives, including spouses, friends and sometimes even family members in order to clean out negativity. These are not the only things that can limit our progress. Quite often it’s ourselves and our stubbornness to hold firm to our preplanned route. Just because we’ve done something our entire lives and believe it to be the way things should be done does not mean that is what’s best for our lives. In so many situations, we stay in a job because we feel that it gives us security or a paycheck we believe we need. But that job might be the very thing that’s holding us back from the paycheck or the freedom we deserve. Let’s try to build a little bit of an analogy here. I have to assume that most every one of you dislikes the sight of a detour sign. Every time you plan a route, whether it be to work or to school or to any other destination, you hate when that route is interrupted by a detour. Now let’s really dissect what that detour actually is. A detour is a faster route to get where we need to go, designed specifically to avoid a traffic jam, road block, construction site, or some other sort of emergency in front of us that we did not initially plan for. The detour is exactly what we need whether we like it or not. We need to be cognizant that there will be emergencies, traffic jams, construction sites, road blocks—you name it—all throughout our lives as we journey towards our destinations. We need to specifically look for those detour signs that show us an easier, faster, better way. We need to be vigilant to reassess our route more often in order to be able to avoid all of those things that will slow us down. If there’s anything that you can take away from this article, it is the fact that detours are not what slow us down. They are exactly what we need to speed up. Look for your detours and get where you want to go. + Ryan Fleming offers an understanding and a refreshing change of perspective. His 14 years of experience in the insurance industry has allowed him to understand business from many different angles and in turn, provide solutions to improve productivity. Ryan has been speaking for almost 10 years on various topics, focusing mainly on improving, staff mindsets, industry understanding and controlling loss. 29