Risk & Business Magazine JGS Insurance Magazine Fall 2018 | Page 3

16 feature MEL ROBBINS 5 SECONDS TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE CONTENTS 3 LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT 4 NEW JERSEY'S EQUAL PAY ACT 5 WHY IS TRADE CREDIT PROTECTION CRITICAL? 6 EAT DESSERT FIRST 8 HOW GRATITUDE MAKES POSITIVITY A DAILY HABIT 9 THE FOUR Ss OF MEANINGFUL WORK By: Neil Pasricha 10 BUSINESS, RISK & WEEKLY WISDOM By: Dean Robert 12 BUILD AN AUDIENCE, NOT A PRODUCT By: Joe Pulizzi 14 7 STEPS TO BEING LUCKY & GOOD By: Ari Weinzweig 20 BUILDING A RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR CEO Woo the Inner Circle First 22 GENERATING MORE BUSINESS FOR YOUR FIRM By: Dave Kerpen 24 HOW TO HIRE THE PERFECT CUSTOMER XPERIENCE EXECUTIVE 25 WHY PROACTIVE SAFETY PROGRAMS ARE BETTER THAN REACTIVE ONES 26 UNDERSTANDING UNDERWRITING 28 THE RIGHT WAY TO IMPLIMENT SAFETY INCENTIVE PROGRAMS 29 ROAD CLOSED AHEAD-THAT'S A GOOD THING! Be Ready to Divorce your Life At Any Moment LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT I t has been a year since we moved our office to the historic Bell Works building in Holmdel, New Jersey—a two-million-square-foot office building that has been repurposed into a multi-tenant space with retail shops, restaurants and a soon-to-be-built hotel on top of the building. The Developer has branded the project as a “metroburb”: The word ‘metroburb’ was coined to describe Bell Works, the vision for a self-contained metropolis in a livable and accessible suburban location. With everything you could find in a great downtown—from office space and retail to art and culture—a metroburb is a microcosm of innovation, possibility and inspiration. While the change to the physical space brings new energy to our team with the upgrade to their work space, the change in the culture of the staff will be the most beneficial. There have been a number of activities within the building that we have embraced and facilitated as a group that have brought new energy, collaboration and interaction within the team as well as with other tenants in the building. Within the past 12 months we have participated in a food drive, competed in a spin bike relay to raise funds and awareness for the American Heart Association, sponsored CrossFit workouts in the atrium, brought in a nutritionist and sponsored a wellness program. As an office, we had the largest participation of Take Your Child to Work Day and held Halloween costume and ugly holiday sweater contests. We’ve also provided educational training seminars in our new space as well as within the building, among many other activities. It has made our office mo re collaborative and interactive as a whole. Someone said to me that it feels like we’ve done more as a group in the past 12 months than during the many years we were at the old space! Our company will be celebrating its 100-year anniversary next year. The change to our culture as a whole has prepared us for the next century of working with business owners and individuals as their trusted partner. And if we have a little fun along the way, all the better! + Sincerely, 30 INSURANCE PREMIUM CALCULATION 101 - PART 1 31 WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH FLOOD INSURANCE? Vinnie Hager, President JGSINSURANCE.COM 3