Risk & Business Magazine JGS Insurance Fall 2023 | Page 14


Creating A Strong

Safety Culture


According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration ( OSHA ), developing a strong safety culture has the single greatest impact on accident reduction of any workplace practice .

A company ’ s safety culture is a direct reflection of the organization ’ s main culture and the people who work in it . As a result , most employees will generate their perceptions of safety and its importance based on the attitude their employer projects .
The following are four main types of safety cultures commonly found in companies :
Forced Culture : A company with a forced safety culture uses bribes and threats as a way to motivate employees to keep safety top of mind . Safety managers at these organizations are seen as police-like figures . Employees view these individuals as solely in existence to catch them doing unsafe acts and to punish them . In these cultures , the employees ’ fear of being punished is so overwhelming that their performance lacks , creating an unenjoyable work environment .
Protective Culture : A company with a protective safety culture imposes a substantial number of rules and regulations onto their employees . If an employee were to violate one of these rules , this may prompt management to create more rules . This ultimately creates confusion as there are too many regulating factors in place .
Involved Culture : A company with an involved safety culture provides an abundance of safety training for employees , but not top management officials . Though morale is higher at organizations with involved cultures because safety managers are not constantly policing employee actions , they also run the risk of not meeting their safety goals since management is not integrated into the safety culture .
Integral Culture : A company with an integral safety culture also provides an abundance of safety training for employees , and they are attended by individuals at all levels . In these organizations , safety officers have budgets and authority , and enforce rules when appropriate .
In a strong , successful safety culture — the Integral Culture model — everyone feels responsible for safety and pursues it daily by going beyond the “ call of duty ” to identify unsafe conditions and behaviors , and to intervene to correct them . In addition , coworkers look out for one another and point out unsafe behaviors to each other . As a result , a company with a strong safety culture typically experiences fewer at-risk behaviors , and consequently experiences lower accident rates , lower turnover rates , lower absenteeism , and higher productivity .
Use these strategies to develop a culture of safety :
• Develop a safety vision including goals , measures , and strategic and operational plans .
• Implement a “ buddy system ” with experienced workers acting as role models paired with newer workers to demonstrate safe work procedures .
• Encourage all employees to watch out for others . In doing so , this will develop safety responsibilities for all levels of the organization .
• Align management and supervisors by establishing a shared vision of safety and health goals , and objectives versus production .
• Implement a process that holds management accountable for visibly being involved , setting the proper example , and leading a positive change for safety and health .
• Management should be available during worker orientation and introduction sessions .
• Demonstrate a commitment to employee health and safety by implementing safe work practices and that unsafe actions are not tolerated .
• Encourage workers to report health and safety concerns no matter how small and respond to their concerns in a timely fashion .
• Develop a system for tracking and ensuring the timeliness of hazard corrections .
• Ensure that the organization has a system for reporting near-miss accidents , injuries , and the need for first aid .
• Promote safety training sessions and host emergency response training .
• Maintain safety equipment and ensure that it is worn properly by employees .
• Revise incentives and disciplinary systems to accommodate safety and health concerns .
For any organization looking to reduce expenses , increase productivity , and minimize turnover , developing an effective safety culture should be a top priority . +
Eric P . Wokas has over 25 years of experience as a risk management consultant working for various major property / casualty insurance carriers including Continental , Zurich and Gerling as well as Aon an international insurance brokerage firm . At JGS Insurance Eric Wokas continues to assist clients in development and implementation of practical solutions in reducing risk .