Risk & Business Magazine Hardenbergh Summer 2019 Magazine | Page 30

PERSONAL INJURY PROTECTION SHOULD YOU SELECT YOUR PERSONAL MEDICAL AS PRIMARY OR NJ PERSONAL INJURY PROTECTION WHEN GETTING YOUR AUTO INSURANCE? BY: ERIN WESTON Y ou may be aware that NJ is a no-fault medical state for auto insurance. In the event of a personal automobile accident, regardless of fault, you are responsible for your own medical bills. Your personal auto insurance policy offers two options for medical coverage: Personal Injury Protection (PIP) primary or you can use your private health care provider as primary. PIP is medical coverage that is built into your auto insurance policy. Many people select private health care primary for a rate savings without fully understanding the coverage. We typically recommend PIP primary even though it costs a little more, because there are restrictions that can impact you if you choose your private health care primary. For example: • Most private health insurance plans have high deductibles that you must pay before coverage begins. • Most private health insurance plans force you to get pre-authorization before you can have surgery or see a specialist. • Most private health carriers limit the number of chiropractic visitations. If your visitations are limited, once you reach the limit you will be personally responsible for the full cost to the chiropractor out of pocket. Alternatively, there are benefits to selecting health care primary. In the event of an accident, you are able to utilize your doctors who already know your medical history. If you select PIP primary you have to use the PIP doctor that is assigned to you. In most cases, you will not be able to use your primary care physician if you select PIP primary. There are important factors to look into prior to making this decision. If you are covered under Medicaid, Medicare or New Jersey Care Plan you must select PIP primary. It is important to ask your health insurance provider if they will respond as primary. If you have multiple drivers on your insurance policy, the PIP selection applies to all drivers. You must make sure all household members’ insurance providers will respond as primary. Lastly, if your health insurance changes, you should check with your new provider on how they respond to auto accident injuries and make sure to contact your insurance agent or auto insurance company. Every person has a different situation and different automobile and medical coverage needs. To obtain guidance on the best coverage for your personal situation please contact us for a consultation. Erin Weston is the Personal Lines Supervisor at Hardenbergh Insurance Group. She is an expert in Personal Insurance and joined HIG in 2015. Erin has been working in the insurance industry for over 12 years. 30