Risk & Business Magazine Hardenbergh Magazine Fall 2019 | Page 3

CONTENTS 3 LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT 4 MALAMUT & ASSOCIATES SPOTLIGHT 5 GOOD BUSINESS IS BUILT ON RELATIONSHIPS 6 SIX WAYS TO REDUCE CELLPHONE ADDICTION Neil Pasricha 8 SEVEN WAYS TO GET TO THE NEXT LEVEL IN YOUR LIFE Mel Robbins 10 SELLING AND MARKETING Grant Cardone 12 CAUSE AND EFFECT: UNDERSTANDING ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS Helen Goodwin 14 INTRODUCING NT24 Nicholas Godellas 15 OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVICE PUBLISHER MANAGING EDITOR GRAPHIC DESIGN CONTENT COORDINATOR Tulip Media Group Erika MacLeod Jessica Embree Stacey Cowperthwaite CONTRIBUTORS Jon Sharp Mel Robbins Neil Pasricha Grant Cardone Helen Goodwin Nicholas Godellas Christopher Powell Kyle Bailey Brian Blaston ADVERTISING PHOTOGRAPHY All images sourced from Tulip Media Group or iStock.com unless otherwise identified WELCOME Welcome Business Owners: We are excited to deliver to you the sixth edition of HIG’s publication, Risk & Business. This magazine was created to serve the business community in the Delaware Valley by delivering a wide range of topics that are focused on running your business every day and the ways that you can protect this investment through risk transfer, risk mitigation and risk avoidance. In this edition, there is a wonderful article about Reducing Cellphone Addiction. How many of us get home from work and find ourselves looking at our phones for another three hours while our family is anxiously trying to get our attention? I bet most of our readers can relate. Pay close attention to this article to help increase your work/life balance. I hope you enjoy these articles as much as I did, and I encourage you to reach out to us if you have any questions or additional creative ways to help us stay off our phones! Finally, I would like to mention that at HIG, our most important goal is to help the community Insure Bright Futures while Building a Lasting Relationship with you. If there is anything we can do to help your business, please do not hesitate to contact me in your preferred way of communication. We are hopeful that something in this publication can help you to continue to drive your business successfully. Hardenbergh Insurance Group Risk & Business Magazine TM is published by Tulip Media Gorup. All content, copyright © 2019, Tulip Media Gorup. All rights reserved. Jon Sharp President Hardenbergh Insurance Group [email protected] Risk & Business Magazine TM is a valued and recognized trademark of Tulip Media Group. This publication may not be reproduced, all or in part, without written consent from the publisher. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of all content in this publication, however, neither the publisher nor Hardenbergh Insurance Group will be held responsible for omissions or errors. Articles, reports and information contained herein reflect the views of the individuals who wrote or prepared them and do not necessarily represent the position of the publisher or Hardenbergh Insurance Group. The material herein is intended for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing herein is to be considered the rendering of insurance advice for specific cases or circumstances. Communication of any legal information contained herein does not constitute an attorney-client relationship, nor convey legal advice or recommendation of any kind. Do not rely on information contained herein to replace consultation with qualified brokers, attorneys or other professionals in your jurisdiction. Please address all editorial and advertising inquiries to Tulip Media Gorup, Email: [email protected]. Tulip Media Gorup is not held responsible for the loss, damage or any other injury to unsolicited material (including but not limited to manuscripts, artwork, photographs and advertisements). Unsolicited material must be included with a self-addressed, overnight-delivery return envelope, postage prepaid. Tulip Media Gorup and Hardenbergh Insurance Group will not give nor rent your name, mailing address, or other contact information to third parties. Subscriptions are complimentary for qualified individuals. TULIP MEDIA GROUP 877 719 8919 / TulipMediaGroup.com HIG.NET/ABOUT-US MAIN OFFICE 8000 Sagemore Drive Marlton, NJ 08053 GIBBSTOWN ​ 18 East Broad Street 6 Gibbstown, NJ 08027 PHILADELPHIA ​​PO Box 40901 Philadelphia, PA 19107 MOUNT HOLLY 2 Mill Street, Mt. Holly, NJ 08060 3