Risk & Business Magazine Hardenbergh Insurance Group Magazine Winter 2018 | Page 7

THE FOOD COLLABORATIVE COUNCIL GROW TOGETHER OR FALL APART: The Food Collaborative Council (FCC) I f there is one thing that businesses can count on year after year, it’s the ever-changing world of regulation. The food industry is no different. In fact, it is often subject to even higher scrutiny when it comes to regulatory bodies than many other industries have to face. To compound matters even more, many of these companies simply don’t have the resources—be it time or money—to deal with increasing internal and external pressures while still growing the business. It is for that reason that Hardenbergh Insurance Group has established the Food Collaborative Council (FCC). THE FCC MISSION STATEMENT SAYS IT ALL: TO PROVIDE KEY DECISION MAKERS IN THE FOOD INDUSTRY A COLLABORATIVE PLATFORM TO HELP MITIGATE RISK, IMPROVE OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCIES, INCREASE PROFITABILITY, AND IMPROVE THEIR STRATEGIC POSITION. Chris Fifis is one of the minds driving the formation of the FCC. He is the former owner of his family’s Cherry Hill business, Ponzio’s Diner. There he managed over 100 employees and serviced over 10,000 people a week. Having worked in that space for years, Chris left to reinvent himself, getting into commercial insurance and eventually gravitating toward the food space that he had come from. During that time, he worked with bakeries, pasta manufacturers, sugar and cheese distributors, coffee roasters, and other businesses across implementation of new safety standards and education. Ultimately, it comes down to performance and the management of that performance. It is important to recognize that companies in the mid-market don’t have the resources to implement a lot of new programs that can impact premiums and affect their ability to grow over time. That includes things like human resources, compliance, and more. the industry. The same problems were continually popping up for his clients: limited resources, too busy handling the day-to-day to handle much else, issues with efficiency, and regulatory confusion. Having worked with companies in the food processing space on the insurance side for years and coming from a restaurant ownership background himself, Chris was in the perfect position to know what both sides of the table needed. He sees the FCC as a collaborative platform which will allow companies to improve their operational efficiencies and profitability through the help of strategic planning. Getting everyone together into one organization is a great first step. After all, collaboration and growth almost always stem from communication. Initially, the Council’s largest impact was helping businesses reduce their premiums on workers' compensation through the The Council aims to bring these businesses together to share ideas and resources. Sharing in that way allows them to accomplish more than any of them could alone. Hardenbergh is aiding them in that effort by not only establishing the FCC but also allowing the group to pick the topics and issues they want to address. HIG will also provide the speakers and resources to help them achieve their goals. + CHRIS FIFIS, BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT TEAM Chris Fifis works in the Commercial Lines Department as part of the Business Development Team. His role is to work with mid-sized companies helping them to improve their operation, increase profitability, and enhance their strategic position. Chris does this by helping his clients to improve their risk profile and establish policies and procedures to mitigate their risks Chris primarily works with food processors, distributors and manufactures. Working with his clients in reducing their workers comp premium is where he has had the biggest impact. Chris’ success is based on him learning about his client operations, examining their strength and weakness, putting a plan in place, and monitoring their results. Chris resides in South Jersey with his wife Liz, and two children Violetta and Demetrios. 7