Risk & Business Magazine Hardenbergh Insurance Group Magazine Winter 2018 | Page 5

16 feature ADAM GRANT STOP SERVING THE FEEDBACK SANDWICH CONTENTS 5 LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT 6 HAPPY FALL FROM THE FOLKS AT HIG 7 THE FOOD COLLABORATIVE COUNCIL (FCC) 8 EQUIPPING YOUTH FOR THE FUTURE 9 HOW SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE THINK Gary Vaynerchuk 12 HAPPY TO BE HEALTHY Gretchen Rubin 14 HOW TO GET MORE REFERRALS Tony Rubleski 20 GREAT IDEAS NEED GREAT IMPLEMENTATION Jordan Belfort 22 SLOW MARKETING MOMENT Ann Handley 24 5 WAYS TO BUILD UP YOUR BUSINESS Verne Harnish 25 OPPORTUNITY ZONES AND THE NEW TAX LAW 26 WCRE THIRD QUARTER REPORT WELCOME Welcome Business Owners: We are excited to deliver to you the third edition of HIG’s publication, Risk & Business. This magazine was created to serve the business community in the Delaware Valley by delivering a wide range of topics that are focused on running your business every day and the ways that you can protect this investment through risk transfer, risk mitigation, and risk avoidance. We hope you can take something from these articles to help your business grow in the coming months. This issue centers around giving feedback and implementing ideas: two very important areas to create a successfully growing business. I know I have fallen victim to coming up with an idea and having it fail due to poor implementation. The tips in the article on page 20 would have been a tremendous help to me had I read this article prior. I can say that it will definitely help me on my next great idea! We also use this publication to bring you useful information from local business owners like yourself that will help you continue to thrive in our region, with the goal of inspiring you to continue to evolve and improve your own business. We welcome your feedback and ideas as you read through the magazine. Finally, I would like to thank each of you for your contributions toward growing our local economy and supporting our local communities. It’s business owners like you that help everyone thrive in the region. I hope this magazine helps you achieve greater things and brings you unique ideas that will continue to grow your business. 28 CREATING A POSITIVE WORK ENVIRONMENT 29 CANNABIS: The Newest Crop In The Garden State 30 OCTOBER IS NATIONAL CYBERSECURITY AWARENESS MONTH Jon Sharp President Hardenbergh Insurance Group [email protected] 5