Risk & Business Magazine Gillons Insurance Fall 2016 | Page 22
s “mis-hiring” people your single
biggest headache? Four decades
of research by Topgrading, Inc.
indicates that it is. More than half
the people you hire turn out to be
disappointing, right? Why is it so hard
to hire great performers? Candidates
for hire can lie on their resumé and
during interviews and get away with it.
Fortunately, there is one hiring tool that
is very easy to use that promises to all but
eliminate those mis-hire headaches.
R&B: Brad, your company has taught
hundreds of thousands of managers how
to use the Topgrading Snaphot (Fig. 1) to
assure hiring almost all “A” players. Is the
Topgrading Snapshot something like an
automated interview?
BRAD: No. It’s not an interview and not
a test. It looks like a standard application
form, but it’s really special. For starters,
it has a “truth serum” that motivates all
candidates to tell the truth.
R&B: Is it more useful that administering
tests to candidates?
But the Topgrading Snapshot reveals so
much more. It:
Tells why they left each job—their
own choice (good), “mutual” (not so
good) or fired for cause (bad)
R&B: At a glance, you can see all of these
things? That’s really amazing. How does
it work?
BRAD: Simple. Suppose you received
twenty resumés for, say, a sales rep job.
They all look like “A” player resumés
because the low performers in this goup
lied. That reality frustrates the heck out of
every hiring manager. You just send them
an email thanking them for sending their
resumé and ask them to complete the
attached application form. They send you
the completed form and we send you their
Topgrading Snapshots. In minutes, you
pick out maybe three or four of the best
candidates and call them. You know these
candidates are all basically honest and
sharp, are in the right salary range, have
great ratings by their bosses, and left their
jobs of their own accord.
R&B: So, hiring managers save a ton