Risk & Business Magazine Gifford Associates Spring 2016 | Page 9

Daily “Adrenaline” Meeting Sticking to Your Agenda BY: VERNE HARNISH, AUTHOR OF SCALING UP T here is one indispensable routine; one absolute essential habit more important than any other I can teach an executive team; one discipline that is non-negotiable – and that is an effective daily meeting rhythm. Before dismissing the idea (I’ve heard every excuse over the years), consider that from the top teams at Goldman Sachs to the assembly floors of Dell Computer to the Oval Office of the White House, an effective daily meeting rhythm is at the heart of their management practices. And I’ve not encountered a single startup to mid-size firm that didn’t benefit greatly from initiating a short daily huddle organized around a specific agenda which I’ll detail below. “I lead a daily ‘Adrenaline’ meeting,” explains Tony Petrucciani, CEO of Single Source Systems, Inc., a computer ser