Risk & Business Magazine Gifford Associates Spring 2016 | Page 5
How Technology WILL Change
Your Business
Letter from the Owner
What’s Going on at Gifford Associates
Keeping Tabs on Cyber Exposures
Daily “Adrenaline” Meeting
Keep Up With What’s Happening
Are You At Risk?
Sticking to Your Agenda
Why Are You Here?
What’s the Prospect Really Saying?
3 Digital Marketing Tips
Big Mistakes Interviewers Make
The Simple Story That is Missing From Your Marketing
Look Past the “Buying Signals” and Ask More Questions
Be Successful in 2016
Learn How to Avoid Them
welcome to R&B
ith the advancement of technology and the increased
speed of interaction, the need to remain meaningfully
connected with family, friends and clients is paramount. I like
to think this magazine helps us to maintain that connection.
Upon reading our first edition, a friend of mine in the technology
industry commented “it was nice but magazines are old school”.
I pointed out we haven’t completely forsaken the digital
movement in that we do have digital copies of the magazine
on our web site and other social media feeds. Regardless, his
comment did get me to question whether this magazine is the
right way to connect with our community. Gifford’s has an
extensive social media reach through Facebook, Twitter, web
site, newsletters, etc. and I would encourage you to participate
in those channels. However, personally I find something
comforting in a magazine that I can read at my leisure. His
comment does illustrate one important fact, in today’s world,
to ensure we connect with our target audience we need to
identify the most effective method of communication. Is this
magazine the way to do it? It certainly is a “quieter” version of
the communication channels available today and if my friend
is correct – perhaps an archaic one. But more importantly, is it
what our client’s want?
Please read our magazine, enjoy the information and quiet,
and then let me know what you think. One last thought, “old
school” doesn’t mean we aren’t very good at what we do,