Risk & Business Magazine Gifford Associates Spring 2016 | Page 22

Big Mistakes Interviewers Make Learn How to Avoid Them AN INTERVIEW OF DR. BRAD SMART, AUTHOR AND PRESIDENT AND CEO OF TOPGRADING, INC. A fter interviewing candidates for hire, do you have an agonizing feeling in your gut that candidates gave you such vague answers you didn’t really get to know them? Do more than half of the people you hire turn out to be disappointments? If so, you are in good company. Dr. Brad Smart has conducted more than 6,500 hiring interviews and has taught thousands of managers how to avoid costly mis-hires. At TopgradingCaseStudies.com you can read dozens of case studies in which companies large and small improved from hiring 26% high performers to 85% HIGH performers. Q: Brad, what is the #1 mistake interviewers make? Brad: Interviewers simply don’t ask good follow up questions when they get vague answers to questions, particularly questions about mistakes, failures, or weaker points. Q: For example … Brad: Suppose you are talking to your candidate about a job 5 years ago and ask, “What would your manager in that job, Susan Smith, say you should improve at?” Suppose your candidate responds, “She said I should communicate better.” This could mean a lot of things … maybe the candidate is slow to return calls, or uses bad grammar, or speaks too softly, or is uncooperative with peers, or is not a good public speaker, or is cold in most communications, or breaks confidences, or fails to speak up when there is a problem, or 20 other things. Maybe “communications” is not a weaker point … or a fatal flaw. You just don’t know. You could assume that “everyone could communicate better” and go on to the next question. But you haven’t learned if the candidate has a serious communications problem. That’s how a 22 SPRING 2016 lot of mis-hires occur. You should have asked follow-up questions, probes that pin down exactly if the candidate has a serious communications problem. Q: Give us an example of generalities and of how to fix them. Brad: OK. C(andidate): My manager, Susan Smith, criticized my communications skills. Y(ou): How exactly did she want you to communicate better? (Rephrase the question.) C: It was my communications with my peers. Y: In what specific ways did your manager want you to communicate better with peer