Risk & Business Magazine Gifford Associates Spring 2016 | Page 17

predictions, however, are not the predictions. The genius of the predictions are the law that governs them. His law of exponential growth in information technology is remarkably similar to Moore’s Law, which states that “the number of transistors incorporated in a chip will approximately double every 24 months”. The law, named for Gordon Moore, cofounder of Intel, was first stated in 1965. It remains true to this day. The law has seen computers go from the size of a room in a house down to the size of a phone that can fit into your pocket, while processing power has increased right along with the change in size. In the context of business, you can extrapolate that once a business is able to leverage information technology in its processes and begins to acquire information, the growth pattern of that business will begin to double. Once that process starts it doesn’t stop. That is the seed from which ExO’s are born. According to Peter Diamondis, author of “Abundance”, once we are able to harness that power, we will have abundance in everthing. Linear vs. Exponential Growth It is important to understand the difference between linear and exponential growth as