Risk & Business Magazine General Insurance Services Spring 2020 | Page 5

16 feature VANESSA VAN EDWARDS GOAL SETTING CONTENTS 5 LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT & CEO 6 FIVE WELLNESS TRENDS FOR EMPLOYERS 9 ARE SMILES REALLY FREE? John DiJulius 10 DEFEND YOUR MIND FROM THE CULTURE OF FEAR Tony Rubleski 12 WHAT WE CONSIDER A LIMITATION CAN BE A STRENGTH Gretchen Rubin 14 THE BETTER LIFE CHALLENGE Dean Robert Graziosi 20 YOUR STUBBORN OPTIMISM IS CONTRIBUTING TO YOUR SUCCESS Shawn Hunter 22 A FORMULA FOR GROWTH IN EXCELLENCE Angela Duckworth 24 FIVE THINGS YOU CAN SAY NO TO RIGHT NOW Michael Bungay Stanier 26 HOW CYBER THREATS PUT THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY AT RISK 28 PERSONAL AUTOMOBILES FOR BUSINESS USE Welcome! LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT W elcome to the spring issue of our Risk & Business Magazine. It was the end of March when this issue first went to print. The COVID-19 pandemic hadn’t yet hit at full scale, and we were gearing up for our first seminar in a new series we were set to launch this year. It’s amazing how quickly things can change. When we received our first proof back from the publisher, our planned seminars no longer seemed fitting for this issue. Business owners and managers are faced with “bend or break” scenarios almost every day. The COVID-19 pandemic showcases the substantial advantage companies can gain by utilizing learned flexibility when facing an unprecedented situation. Approaching day-to-day business with an open mind, prepared for the unexpected, will heighten your senses when new opportunities come your way. In fact, most opportunity arises from the unexpected. Keep your mind open to new ideas that may not fit into your current business plan. In the same way you prepare for unexpected events, use times of uncertainty to develop new channels through which your business can grow in unprecedented ways. We’re all in this together, and we’ll navigate this unprecedented situation as it continues to unravel. Please check out our Coronavirus Resource Center on our website for additional resources for your organization. Stay healthy! 30 LIFE EVENTS THAT AFFECT YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS 31 WHAT IS A STRATEGIC BENEFITS PLAN? Craig Menne, President & CEO GENINS.COM 5