Risk & Business Magazine General Insurance Services Spring 2020 | Page 19

GOAL SETTING • Outcome: The ideal result, hopeful conclusion, best end for your goal. • Process: The skills you need, the method required to get you there. Before I give you some examples, let me explain the science behind the Outcome + Process approach. Zimmerman et al. trained participants to throw darts. They split them up into three groups. Group #1 was told simply to get the highest score possible (outcome). Group #2 was told to optimize the process of being a good dart thrower by bringing their arm back, adjusting the angle of the throw and having a firm grip (process). Group #3 began with the process of throwing, and then once they had mastered the skills, were switched to focus on the outcome (process + outcome). The participants with the outcome goal performed worst! The process + outcome participants got the highest scores by far. Next, let’s look at the intentions you set in Step #2. I want you to write down the skills, process or methods you need to achieve those outcomes. For example: • Business: Level up my business efforts so I can reach and help more people. • • Hire a marketing agency. Friends: Set aside time to support and reach out to friends more regularly. • Join an exercise class with friends. Plan a weekend getaway. • Family: See family more often and dedicate real time to connect and catch up. • Plan a family reunion that happens on the same holiday or holidays each year. • Personal Passions: Learn how to paint and spend more time reading. • Buy a painting book. Get suggestions of 10 books from friends. • Spiritual: Start meditating to create mental space and slow down at the end of a workday. • Get a meditation app to remind yourself before bed. • Health: Get more toned and increase your endurance. • Buy a weight set and sign up for a boot camp. STEP #4: IDENTIFY BLOCKERS When we first set our goals we are super optimistic and filled with hope–and that’s great. One thing that happens, however, is we fail to identify possible blockers. I want you to get real with yourself for a moment and answer these questions in your Goal Worksheet: • What logistical constraints might make it difficult for you achieve your goals? • What behaviors might make it difficult for you to achieve your goals? • Vanessa Van Edwards is lead investigator at the Science of People—a human behavior research lab. She is the national best-selling author of Captivate: The Science of Succeeding With People , which was chosen as one of Apple’s Most Anticipated Books of 2017. She writes a monthly column on the science of success for Entrepreneur Magazine and the Huffington Post. Her original research has been featured in Fast Company, Cosmopolitan, TIME, Forbes, INC and USA Today. As a human behavior hacker she runs original research experiments on topics such as the science of leadership, human lie detection, body language hacks, the psychology of attraction and successful people skills at ScienceofPeople.com. Vanessa has been asked to discuss her innovative work on CNN, CBS Morning news and NPR. She has also consulted for a number of Fortune 500 companies including Dove, Symantec and American Express. ScienceOfPeople.com Who might make it difficult for you to achieve your goals? This can be anything from financial constraints to unsupportive family members to procrastination. Get real! When we know what our blockers are, we can work to plan around them. For example, one of my goals for next year is to read more. I know that if I don’t have accountability to read I just won’t get it done. I push it off, go to sleep, turn on Netflix, you know the drill. So, I started a Science of People Book Club to read with my readers. + 19