The Surprising Skills Needed In The Future
It ’ s a chaotic , fast-changing time we live in . Automation , artificial intelligence , augmented reality , cyber-threats , business bots , and the Internet of things . It would seem that in this age of hyperaccelerating technology , we would need the techie skills to match . Maybe , maybe not .
Recently Deloitte conducted a survey to understand the millennial generation and get their view on the future of business , productivity , and what millennials think of the emerging younger GenZ generation . It ’ s mostly good news .
Eight thousand millennials were surveyed from all over the world and it turns out millennials are pretty optimistic , particularly when it comes to job readiness for the emerging younger population . The advice of thirtysomethings to the younger generation emerging now doesn ’ t appear too different from advice from the past .
From the study :
• Learn as much as possible : Begin your career open-minded and be ready to learn from others .
• Work hard : Do your best and do not be lazy .
• Be patient : Take your time when entering the workforce and go stepby-step .
• Be dedicated : Be committed to succeeding and persevering .
• Be flexible : Be open and adaptable to change and try new things .
Sound familiar ? Thomas Jefferson , Michelangelo , John F . Kennedy , and Martin Luther King , Jr . all gave similar advice at different times in history .
But the surprising discovery in the study regards the specific skills needed to perform at a high level in the future . According to millennials working today in the world , it ’ s not technical skills that are needed . Analytic skills , IT skills , programming , social media skills , even language skills , and a global mindset , all ranked below the importance