Risk & Business Magazine General Insurance Services - Fall 2020 | Page 5

16 feature MIKE MICHALOWICZ HOW YOUR PROFIT WORKS IN A CRISIS CONTENTS 5 LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT & CEO 6 REMOTE WORKFORCE ATTRACTS NEW CYBER RISKS 7 UNCERTAIN TIMES AHEAD 8 AVOIDING THE MISTAKE OF BEING UNDERINSURED 9 TIPS FOR ACCELERATING A LEADER’S JOURNEY Guy C. Parsons 10 3 TECHNOLOGIES TO MAKE YOUR HOME AND KIDS SMARTER Erik Qualman 12 “JUST TAKE MORE PICTURES” Neil Pasricha 14 YOUR APPROACH TO HIRING IS ALL WRONG Dr. Brad Smart 19 7 TIPS TO MAKE EMAIL SUCK LESS Vanessa Van Edwards 22 GROWTH AFTER CRISIS IS POSSIBLE Shawn Hunter 24 10 QUESTIONS TO HELP YOU VISUALIZE YOUR FUTURE Mel Robbins 26 ’TIS THE SEASON FOR OPEN ENROLLMENT 27 THE IMPORTANCE OF BUILDING A SAFETY CULTURE 28 BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN REMOTE AND ON-SITE EMPLOYEES 30 HOW TO DRIVE DOWN AUTO RATES WHILE INSURING A TEEN DRIVER Welcome! LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT What a wild ride this year has been! I think we can all agree that the events that have unfolded this year were not on any of our business plans. However, 2020 has been a great year in terms of providing perspective. We have all had to embrace the art of pivoting, personally and professionally. When our team sat down to determine the topics we wanted to share in this issue, we knew our focus was going to be on looking ahead and not to the past. We did not want to dwell on all that we’ve endured this year but rather to visualize and prepare for a future of growth. We feel we have accomplished that with articles from David Gately, Candace Arvin, Mike Michalowicz, Mel Robbins, and more. Ultimately, our goal in publishing this magazine has always been to share our knowledge with the business community in the region. It is our hope that these articles will help provide some direction and position your organization for a profitable future. It is a team effort to ensure our communities come out of this time even stronger. Stay healthy, be well! Craig Menne, President & CEO GENINS.COM 5