Risk & Business Magazine General Insurance Services - Fall 2020 | Page 25
A health plan
that may give you
$6,016 * back? Nice.
Managing employee health care costs is critical — now more than ever. All Savers® Alternate Funding from
UnitedHealthcare is designed to give you more ways to save, including a possible surplus refund if employee
medical claims are lower than expected. In fact, more than a third of All Savers customers in northwest Indiana
received a surplus refund last year, the average of which was $6,016.*
More freedom
Exemption from most
Affordable Care Act regulations
and state insurance mandates.
More stability
Safeguards for your employee
benefit plan that help protect
it from unexpected high
medical claims.
More ways to save
Wellness programs at no additional
cost to you designed to help your
employees get healthier and lower
costs for everyone.
To learn more, contact your GIS representative or visit uhc.com/southshore
* Yep, that’s a real number. Over a third of UnitedHealthcare’s All Savers customers in northwest Indiana received a refund in
2019, the average of which was $6,016. Please consult a tax and/or legal advisor to determine if, by receiving this surplus
refund, there are any restrictions or obligations, or whether the surplus refund is taxable.
Administrative services provided by United HealthCare Services, Inc. or their affiliates. Stop-loss insurance is underwritten by
All Savers Insurance Company. 3100 AMS Blvd., Green Bay, WI 54313 (800) 291-2634.
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