Risk & Business Magazine General Insurance Services Fall 2019 | Page 8
ponsoring a retirement plan is
an important benefit for you
and for your employees. Upon
retirement, most people rely
heavily on their Social Security
benefit to meet monthly income needs.
And unless you still offer a traditional
pension plan, the retirement savings plan
you provide to your employees will likely
be a significant source of income for those
who wisely save for the day when their
regular paycheck stops.
As a financial advisor, a large percentage of
the conversations that I have with clients
involve understanding where their regular
monthly retirement income will come from
and how much they can expect each month
while planning for an average of 25 to 35
years in retirement. As you may expect,
people who have saved and invested over
time are usually more confident that their
financial needs will be met during their
golden years. Employer-sponsored savings
plans such as a 401(k), a Simple IRA, and
several other types of plans truly do make a
great impact for those people who have had
the ability and made the sacrifice to save
One intent of this article is to encourage
you as an employer and benefit sponsor
to help your employees even more. Not
necessarily with more matching funds
or adding an expense line item to your
benefits spend, but by helping employees
to know that their retirement savings are
invested correctly.
Each one of us has limited resources, and
ultimately, we must make a choice between
how much we can save for retirement with
each paycheck and how much to keep in
our bank accounts for current household
needs. So, if resources are limited, we
should want to make sure those resources
are working for us as well as possible. Do
most of your employees know if they
are invested properly in your retirement
plan? Does the financial advisor for your
retirement plan offer to meet on-site with
employees, and if so, are your employees
taking advantage of that professional
Some employees may be invested too
conservatively or may be taking more risk
than necessary to achieve their current rate
of return. Some employees may be invested
appropriately but they may not know it or
understand what their investments are
doing. They may be in great shape and
just need some validation! In just about
any situation, though, a good financial
advisor will be able to understand an
employee’s current financial state and
help them evaluate some considerations
to maximize future potential with
investment performance, personal
finance, and long-term risk management.
Small improvements today can make a
monumental impact over time.
It can be easy to ignore, but don’t let your
employees put retirement planning on
the “back burner” and possibly wait too
long before talking with your retirement
plan financial advisor. I encourage you and
your employees to take action today with
a financial checkup. Don’t be embarrassed,
don’t be ashamed, and don’t fall into the
trap of regret—thinking that it is too
late or that you didn’t do enough in your
earlier working years. The job today is to
look forward and position the resources
that you have and will continue to save for
retirement. There is always something we
can do to improve your future financial
outlook and help you gain knowledge of
a strategy or investment philosophy that
you may not know about today. Some of
these improvements can be worth many
thousands of dollars over time without
having to save extra money right now.
Your employees deserve access to this
confidence, and the financial advisor for
your retirement plan should be helping you
to engage current and eligible participants.
If you’re retirement plan needs a checkup
and you would like to see greater employee
engagement, we are ready to help!
Daniel Todd, MBA
Financial Advisor
Investment Adviser Representative
219.809.2217 or dtodd@genins.com. +
Daniel Todd is a Registered
Representative and Investment Adviser
Representative of Equity Services, Inc.
Securities and investment advisory
services offered solely through Equity
Services, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC,
550 Polaris Parkway, Suite 550,
Westerville, OH 43082, (614) 430-
8414. General Insurance Services, Inc.
is independent of Equity Services, Inc.