Gain control over your healthcare costs
Tulip Media Group Erika MacLeod Heather Crossman Stacey Cowperthwaite
Craig Menne Mark Behrendt Gretchen Rubin John Dijulius Dr . Marshall Goldsmith Chris Voss Grant Cardone Vanessa Van Edwards Keith Ferrazzi Candace Arvin Nicole Van Duyn Michelle Snider Scott Templin
Kara Moon
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GENERAL INSURANCE SERVICES 421 Franklin Street , Michigan City , IN 46360 GENINS . COM
Healthcare out of control ? Change the status quo .
EmCap ® is an innovative funding strategy that puts small and midsize companies in charge of their own employee health plans . You can gain control , transparency , and stability – and the opportunity for real cost savings . Take control today with EmCap . To learn more , contact :
Craig Menne General Insurance Services CMenne @ GenIns . com
Shawn Lanter Berkley Accident and Health SLanter @ BerkleyAH . com
This example is illustrative only and not indicative of actual past or future results . Stop Loss is underwritten by Berkley Life and Health Insurance Company , a member company of W . R . Berkley Corporation and rated A + ( Superior ) by A . M . Best , and involves the formation of a group captive insurance program that involves other employers and requires other legal entities . Berkley and its affiliates do not provide tax , legal , or regulatory advice concerning EmCap . You should seek appropriate tax , legal , regulatory , or other counsel regarding the EmCap program , including , but not limited to , counsel in the areas of ERISA , multiple employer welfare arrangements ( MEWAs ), taxation , and captives . EmCap is not available to all employers or in all states .
© 2018 Berkley Accident and Health , Hamilton Square , NJ 08690 .
All rights reserved . BAH AD 2018-02 1 / 18 www . BerkleyAH . com
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