Risk & Business Magazine General Insurance Service Spring 2021 | Page 19

and I can ’ t help them . That ’ s why you see me on just about every social media platform ; Facebook , Twitter , Instagram , Youtube , Tik-Tok , you name it , I ’ m on it because I want to reach the whole world . The market makes it critical to be omnipresent but thankfully technology makes it possible .
4 . D . D .: DOUBLE DOWN This is a no-brainer but so many people ignore this and make things harder than they have to be . It ’ s simple . If something works once , it ’ ll work twice . If it works twice , it ’ ll work four times and then sixteen times and so on . Even in my company , people are always trying to reinvent things that work . It ’ s unnecessary and counterproductive . If it stops working then you stop doing it but until then … if it ain ’ t broke don ’ t fix it .
5 . P . N . P .: PROMOTION NOT
PERFECTION You ’ ve heard the expression “ the devil is in the details ”? I say “ the devil is in the delay ”. If you wait for “ perfection ” you ’ re going to be waiting a long time and while you are , your competition is going to run circles around you . Not following me ? If you know me at all , you know that I don ’ t get hung up on spelling , grammar , punctuation or anything like that . One of my first books was full of mistakes but that didn ’ t stop it from ending up a best-seller . Don ’ t let the pursuit of perfection stop you from moving forward . Remember that while you ’ re perfecting , your competitors are promoting and taking your customers .
6 . A . N . S .: AUTOMATE ’ N ’ SCALE “ ANS ”… nope , once again , it ’ s not what you think it is . Once your business is up and running you need to shift into expansion mode immediately because if you ’ re not growing , you ’ re dying . But how do you transition from handling the day-to-day operations in the trenches to expanding ? You need to put personnel and procedures in place so you don ’ t have to sweat the small stuff and can instead focus on the massive goals you want to achieve . In today ’ s technology-driven service economy , it ’ s easy for any business to automate and scale .
7 . A . B . A . C : ALWAYS BE
ACQUIRING CUSTOMERS Streamlining your business starts with The Golden Rule of Always Be Acquiring Customers . You ’ ve gotta keep your pipeline full at all times . That means constantly going after leads , and if at first they refuse you go at them again and again . The acquisition process means cultivating prospects into closed deals . Finally and probably most important , it means following up with sold customers to maintain the relationship . That leads not just to repeat business and the possibility of an upsell but also to referrals . Keep your pipeline full with A . B . A . C . in mind and there will always be a deal on the table .
Moving forward as you set out to streamline your business , you ’ ve got to have this mantra in your head at all times : “ Form an idea , create an offer , promote the offer , push the offer , sell it , close it , collect the money … and when it ’ s time to deliver you OVERDELIVER ! +
Grant Cardone New York Times Best-Selling Author / Entrepreneur Speaker / International Sales Trainer
Best Selling Author , TV & Radio personality and Self made Entrepreneur and American Patriot Warrior for the Middle Class
Cardone works with Fortune 100 companies customizing sales processes and improving customer experiences . His clients include Google , Morgan Stanley , Ford , Chrysler , Aflac , Sprint , WellsFargo , Allstate , StateFarm and more .
Cardone , 59 , believes the middle class is a mythology perpetuated by politicians from both sides resulting in a failing formula for 250m people . His mission is to provide the middle class with new information and strategies for financial survival .