Risk & Business Magazine Cooke Insurance Risk & Business Magazine Fall 2017 | Page 5

16 feature WELCOME PATRICK LENCIONI: CONQUERING TEAM DYSFUNCTION CONTENTS 5 LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT 6 TEN MISTAKES HOLDING BACK YOUR LINKEDIN PROFILE 9 A WORKAHOLIC’S LESSON ON LOVE & LOSS Lindsey Boggs - From The Ritz To a Padded Cell 12 BE A BETTER LEADER Be More Like Your Heroes 14 TEAM CULTURE There’s An App For That 20 ARE YOU AN ACCIDENTAL DIMINISHER? Diminishers Vs. Multipliers 22 IS CAREER REINVENTION IN YOUR FUTURE? 24 MIKE MICHALOWICZ A Simple Technique To Skyrocket Productivity 26 SIX ESSENTIAL ASPECTS OF CYBER INSURANCE Hello and welcome to the fall 2017 issue of Cooke Insurance Risk & Business Magazine! I hope all of you have been doing well since our last issue. Some of you we have seen recently, some we have not, and some may be completely new to us. Regardless of where you are coming from, you can expect to find information in these pages which will prove useful to you and your business. Being in insurance, our goal is to help protect you from risk and mitigate your losses. We here at Cooke Insurance want to go a step further and help you grow as a person and expand your business to reach your goals as well. The theme for this month is ducks. Metaphorically speaking, of course. It’s about getting your ducks in a row. Whether that means prepping your online professional profile to draw in potential clients and new contacts to your network (check out our profile tips on pages 6 & 7) or making sure you are asking the right questions of your insurance professionals (and being asked the right questions by them), we have the information here to help you get your ducks in a row. We appreciate you taking the time to read this magazine and hope the topics are helpful to you. As always, if you have topics you would like to see covered in future issues, have questions you’d like answered, or simply want to chat for a few minutes, please drop me an email at [email protected]. 28 PROTECT YOUR WEALTH: Top 5 Estate Litigation Risks 29 ARE YOU PREPARED IF DISASTER STRIKES? Planning For The Worst 31 INSURING THE GOOSE WITH GOLDEN EGGS Sincerely, Jeff Cooke, President COOKE.CA 5