Risk & Business Magazine Cooke Insurance Group Fall 2016 | Page 7

LIABILITY SCORECARD HR PRACTICES YES NO UNSURE 15. Does your business have a formal training program for all new employees? q q q 16. Does your business provide annual education on illegal discrimination and workplace harassment to all employees? q q q 17. Does your business require all managers and supervisors to attend training, educational programs or seminars on employer-employee relations and conflict resolution? q q q 18. Does your business have formal guidelines and written procedures to address compliance with the Canadian Human Rights Act, provincial human rights codes and provincial employment standards acts? q q q 19. Does your business have formal guidelines and written procedures that explicitly prohibit discriminatory practices in hiring, promotion and compensation? q q q 20. Does your business have formal guidelines and written proedures that explicitly prohibit sexual harassment in the workplace? q q q 21. Does your business have a written policy dealing with the use of company email, voicemail and internet access? q q q 22. Does your business have formal guidelines and written procedures for reporting, addressing and resolving employee grievances? q q q 23. Does your business have formal process and written guidelines for conducting employee performance evaluations? q q q 24. Does your business have its employment policies and procedures periodically reviewed by outside legal counsel? q q q SECTION SCORE: SCORE /72 SECTION INSTRUCTIONS The following points will be assigned for each response: YES: 3 POINTS NO: 0 POINTS UNSURE: 3 POINTS BUSINESS OPERATIONS AND HISTORY YES NO UNSURE 25. Has the turnover rate at your business exceeded historical levels at any time during the past five years, or do you anticipate making any layoffs or staff reductions in the near future? q q q 26. Do any of your employees work in isolation or in circumstances where they are not monitored by a supervisor or manager? q q q 27. Does your business make use of temporary or seasonal employees? q q q 28. At any point in the last five years, has any current or former employee or third party made any claim or otherwise alleged discrimination, harassment, wrongful discharge or other wrongful acts against your business? q q q 29. At any point in the last five years, has your business terminated or otherwise disciplined an employee for inappropriate conduct in the workplace? q q q 19. Does your business anticipate taking any actions or completing any transitions that would substantially increase the number of employees within your business? q q q SCORE SECTION SCORE: /18 TOTAL SCORE MODERATE RISK: 0-18 POINTS HIGH RISK: 21-60 POINTS ESCALATED RISK: 63-90 POINTS FALL 2016 | 7