Risk & Business Magazine Condotta, Merrett & Company Fall 2015 | Page 21
or younger qualify as Millennials, and
in just a few years they will constitute
the majority of employees. They are
our future! So, managers HAVE to
accommodate their high needs or end up
hiring C Player Millennials.
Brad: Sure, but to really jack up their
loyalty and motivation write personal
notes of congratulations or thanks to
someone every week. Jack Welch (former
CEO of General Electric) did this and
recipients would be thrilled.
R&B: So, what are some simple
things managers can do to retain high
R&B: Since a lot of companies consider
retaining high performers a big challenge,
what big steps can they take?
Brad: A lot! Managers can Google “salary
surveys” and for a few bucks you can see if
you’re paying people in their range. Then
figure you need to pay high performers a
bit more.
Brad: Go after “Best Company to Work
For” awards … not for the trophy but
to become known as a company high
performers love. Employees are all over
the Internet these days and easily find
out if your company attracts and holds
onto high performers with an exciting
vision, career progression, flex hours, or
whatever. Ease up on rules so A Players
feel they can soar a bit without having
to conform to rigid rules. Google any
of the high tech companies to see what
they do – a LOT - to attract and hold high
R&B: Is it all about pay?
Brad: Fortunately, no. High performers
will quit if underpaid but they stay for
different reasons.
R&B: Like what?
Brad: Recognition, appreciation, and
pats on the back, a feeling that they are
important in your company, and they
embrace the mission – they want their
work to help save the world.
R&B: How can you find out if the needs
of high performers are being satisfied?
Brad: Just ask them, frequently. And
listen, really listen to them because they
will tell you if they are happy campers
and what they like and dislike about the
job, the