Risk & Business Magazine CEO/CFO Business Today Magazine Fall 2017 | Page 23

BUILDING A GREAT BUSINESS I most definitely could not have listed all 12 of these tips anywhere near as clearly back when we opened in ’82 as I did when I wrote this piece 25 years later. But the truth is that these “natural laws” really are all things that we did to get going back in the early ’80s. I think they’re as true now as they were then and will still be true 20, or 220, years hence. They are very much the same sort of behind-the-scenes attitudes and approaches that have guided us over the years. And, although I haven’t run any other businesses, I’m pretty confident that every successful organization would likely have followed many of these same approaches. Each organization will, of course, have its own applications, but the laws themselves will, naturally, remain the same. I hope they help you as much as they have us. 1. AN INSPIRING, STRATEGICALLY SOUND VISION LEADS THE WAY 
TO GREATNESS (ESPECIALLY IF YOU WRITE IT DOWN!) What’s a vision? As we define it here, it’s a picture of what success looks like at a particular point in the future. If you’re starting a business, I’d suggest that you pick