Risk & Business Magazine CEO/CFO Business Today Magazine Fall 2017 | Page 15


Every businessperson needs allies . That ’ s why successful industry experts , authors and consultants don ’ t operate in a silo ; they have a following and tribe that surpass company and industry lines .

These allies have influence , and befriending them can provide endless benefits for your business , as they have for mine .
Building relationships with influencers is never a one-and-done deal . Earning introductions and respect takes hard work and careful planning . But when you forge meaningful connections with important people , you ’ ll get help on projects , meet new allies and get introduced to groups that will raise your profile .
Here are five ways to make connections with world-class professionals based on my own experience :
1 . BECOME KNOWN AS AN EXPERT . VIPs don ’ t want to waste time when networking . They would much rather learn something from interacting with you . That ’ s why it ’ s crucial to find your niche and dominate it .
You need to create great content and get it into places that matter . Become an influencer through social media , podcasts , print or wherever else you can put out fresh content . VIPs will Google you to see what pops up . If nothing appears , they might not give you the time of day .
Demonstrate that you have intelligent things to say , and get the right team of content strategists behind you . It ’ s more accessible and less costly to do this than you might think .
2 . FIND A CONNECTION POINT . People want to hang out with peers , not groupies . Seek introductions from trusted friends or advisors . Once you ’ ve found that connection , determine how to build a relationship with one influencer at a time .
The beauty of connecting with VIPs is that they usually hang out with other people you want to meet . It takes one strong connection to make many .
3 . HANG OUT AT THEIR WATERING HOLE . I ’ m not talking about their favorite bar . Figure out what conferences and events these VIPs attend . Don ’ t focus on trade shows with 50,000 people . Tap into events like Archangel Academy , Genius Network and MastermindTalks , where there ’ s less noise and more intimacy .
You ’ ll need to invest money to join these networks , but their focus on learning , growing and giving will help you become exactly the kind of person these VIPs want to befriend .
Spending time at one “ watering hole ” can lead to an avalanche of connections . While attending a conference held by the charity Opportunity International , I met acclaimed speaker and entrepreneur Jason Duff . After staying in touch with him through thoughtful follow-up , he introduced me to Empact co-founder Michael Simmons . Michael connected me with Cadre CEO Derek Coburn , who asked me to speak at the same event as Cameron Herold , one of the top business coaches in the world .
Spending time and money on the right event can cause a ripple effect of big-time connections . But this process takes time , so don ’ t give up if one event doesn ’ t get you noticed .
4 . BE BOLD AND DIFFERENT . Invest in doing one thing better than anyone else — it ’ ll set you apart from the crowd . When I wanted to deepen my relationship with Cameron , I wasn ’ t just going to take him out to a steak dinner and a Cavs game – everyone has access to those .
Cameron told me we could meet up after he shopped at his favorite store , Brooks Brothers , but a five-hour travel delay messed with his plans . Because he didn ’ t have time to shop , I brought the shop to him . When he got to his room , he saw dozens of Brooks Brothers suit jackets , pants and shirts in his size . Not only did he love it , but he also called an author friend , John DiJulius , to change the example he ’ d previously given him for the best customer service he ’ d ever experienced .
Keep your interactions first-rate , and make them all about the other person . Your new friend will never forget it .
5 . THINK TANGIBLE , NOT DIGITAL . Most VIPs are overloaded with emails , texts and newsletters . Sending tangible items will help you stand out . I ’ m not talking about a pen with your company logo on it . You need to send something so high quality and thoughtful that it becomes an “ artifact ” of the relationship .
Over the past seven years , I ’ ve continued sending Cameron handmade cutlery and custom-made wine tools . He ’ ll often thank me for being the better friend and going out of my way to stay in touch . I don ’ t keep score , but I ’ m happy to have him as a friend and ally .
I ’ ve built most of these relationships over the better half of a decade . They ’ ve required hundreds of handwritten notes , phone calls and gifts , but the value of these connections is worth far more than the time and money I ’ ve invested in them . When you keep adding value from afar , you ’ ll forge deep connections that will slowly mature into an army of dedicated allies . +
John Ruhlin is the founder of Ruhlin Group . John ’ s company is trusted by the leaders of fast-growing companies to develop relationship-building strategies and VIP gifting programs to increase referrals and strengthen retention with their most important clients , employees , and prospects . His book , GIFTOLOGY : The Art and Science of Using Gifts to Cut Through the Noise , Increase Referrals , and Strengthen Retention , was released in June , 2016 .