MENTAL HEALTH eliminated , implementation of structures and practices to support psychological health and safety , and fostering a “ culture of same ” throughout organizations . Stigma and discomfort associated with mental illness persists in society , despite media campaigns , exposure brought to the issue by many public and celebrity figures and knowledge sharing . It is this stigma that may thwart employers from being fully prepared for dealing with the mental illness challenges of their employees .
“ Illness is illness ” is a slogan used by the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety ( CCOHS ) in social media . The impact of this statement is in its simplicity . Employees suffering from mental illness in the workplace are entitled to equivalent rights and accommodations as are employees with physical illnesses or injuries . What we do know is that employees often attempt to “ tough it out ” or cope “ as best they can ” and remain at work (“ presenteeism ”). This approach may manifest itself in the employee as not only behavioural changes but also performance issues .
Not all employees are equally resilient to pressures and challenges associated with work or with life in general . The conversation with an employee who has been observed to be struggling from an emotional or psychological standpoint must be a careful one . It may start only with a check-in : “ I ’ ve notice you ’ re not quite yourself recently . Is everything all right ?” Attempts to engage the employee are important ; however , the level of disclosure from the employee regarding his or her challenges will depend on the employee ’ s comfort with the conversation , the relationship between the individuals , and the amount of insight the employee has surrounding his or her own behaviours and conditions . Either way , providing a reminder regarding an Employee Assistance Program ( EAP ) or an offer to open the channels of communication is suggested .
At times , the greatest assistance to the employee may be something that may seem such a small accommodation but might really turn things around . Does the employee require flexibility in work hours to attend mental healthcare appointments ? Would the employee benefit from a temporary adjustment to work hours or workload ? The conversation may return dividends in the form of better rapport with these employees by their knowing that you do care about their wellbeing . And perhaps , some performance challenges may even resolve in this way .
Responsible and caring employers will become active participants in supporting employees with mental illnesses to either remain at work or return to work
following an absence (“ absenteeism ”). But it is recognized that an effective psychological health and safety program takes time and dedicated actions . For the individual who has been absent from the workplace due to mental illness , employers have an interest ( and a right ) to gather information concerning an employee ’ s ability to function in much the same way that they do for an employee considering a safe and suitable return-to-work program following a physical injury or surgery .
In the latter case , accommodations may be required for strength-related activities , postural job demands or perhaps ergonomic intervention to improve comfort and productivity at the workplace . Similarly , accommodations for an individual with a mental illness may need to be made : adjustments to the employee ’ s surroundings to facilitate concentration , more cognitive breaks , adjustments to duties or timelines for certain assigned tasks and assistance managing fatigue .
Asking “ What is the best way that I ( the organization ) can assist you ?” will go a long way . Streamlining work tasks to only essential tasks and approaching assigned work with clear expectations and a documented plan for achieving the outcome may also assist . It is not expected that employers readily know all types of accommodations to consider or offer . HR departments , disability management professionals like occupational therapists ( OTs ), and occupational health nurses ( OHNs ) can assist in this regard .
Engaging the employee in the discussion and the strategy is imperative . In some cases , a suitable return-to-work plan will require objective information regarding the employee ’ s cognitive abilities and deficits . A graded reorientation to the work environment and work responsibilities will enable the employee to try work strategies taught by healthcare professionals and then evaluate the success of these strategies .
Employers value healthy , happy employees — this is a shared objective . Employers are learning more and more in recent times that success in this objective generates a return in achievements and successes , and their actions in the area of workplace mental health will demonstrate both social responsibility and good business sense . The fundamentals of becoming a leader in workplace mental health promotion and management involve civility , respect , camaraderie and ultimately , achievements . Together with employees and healthcare providers , we can change perspectives and approaches . Everyone wins in this situation . +
Jennifer Bouzane is the Divisional Manager of Occupational Rehabilitation and Labour Market Re-Entry Services at FIT For Work ( www . fitforwork . com ) in St . John ’ s , Newfoundland and Labrador . FIT For Work multidisciplinary staff are knowledge experts in injury prevention and injury management industry . Services offered by FIT For Work encompass a holistic perspective of health and well-being , including physical and mental health . With eighteen years of Occupational Therapy experience , Jennifer leads a competent team of healthcare providers in assisting customers and clients achieve mutual workplace wellness and claims closure goals . Jennifer can be reached at jbouzane @ fitforwork . com or ( 709 ) 722-7676 Ext . 304 .