Risk & Business Magazine Cain Insurance Summer 2019 Magazine | Page 14

GREAT BOSSES 7 CORE BELIEFS OF GREAT BOSSES BY: DR. TRAVIS BRADBERRY, AUTHOR & COFOUNDER OF TALENTSMART G reat bosses change us for the better. They see more in us than we see in ourselves, and they help us learn to see it, too. They dream big and show us all the great things we can accomplish. Great leadership can be a difficult thing to pin down and understand. You know a great leader when you’re working for one, but even they can have a hard time explaining the specifics of what they do that makes their leadership so effective. Great leadership is dynamic; it melds a variety of unique skills into an integrated whole. One thing is certain—a leader’s actions are driven by their beliefs. It’s through a leader’s actions—and ultimately her beliefs—that the essence of great leadership becomes apparent. “I AM JUST A COMMON MAN WHO IS TRUE TO HIS BELIEFS.” –JOHN WOODEN Great leaders inspire trust and admiration through their actions, not just their words. Many leaders say that integrity 14