Risk & Business Magazine Cain Insurance Spring 2017 | Page 23

forward to the present . You will ask about successes , mistakes , key decisions , and key relationships . You will ask the candidate to appraise every boss , and believe me , by the time candidates have described the strengths and weaknesses of every boss , you ’ ll know if they are likely to have a good relationship with you .
And you will use the Topgrading Truth Serum and ask , “ If you arranged for your supervisor to talk with me , what is your best guess as to what the supervisor would say were your strengths , weaker points , and overall performance ?” replace the B ’ s and C ’ s with A ’ s and often end up with at least 75 % A Players , with many eventually reaching 90 %. And many find that , with Topgrading , instead of needing a staff of twelve , for instance , they only need a staff of nine ( with eight As ) that does the job cheaper and better .
Using the Topgrading Truth Serum and conducting candidate-arranged reference calls will definitely improve your hiring success . But there are plenty of other
interview techniques and hiring methods in Topgrading , so please download the free e-guide , Topgrading 301 , by going to Topgrading . com .
Perhaps Topgrade is the single most important action you can take to make 2017 a more successful year ! +
If you just asked that question about how managers would rate candidates , you would get extremely useful insights . But ask all the Topgrading questions and you will see amazing patterns revealed , enabling you to know everything about the candidate . That is how tens of thousands of managers have achieved an 85 % high-performer hiring rate .


4 . CONDUCT CANDIDATE-ARRANGED REFERENCE CALLS . After the Topgrading Interview , you pick the bosses and others you want to talk with and the candidate arranges the calls . There is no phone tag .
Ta da ! Topgrading just solved the hiring problems that caused you so many , costly mis-hires :
• Dishonesty is replaced by honesty
• Shallow interviews are replaced by the Topgrading Interview
• No verification ( i . e ., worthless references ) is replaced by solid verification
Most managers have 25 % C Players , 50 % B Players , and 25 % A Players . Topgraders
Dr . Brad Smart is an internationally renowned management psychologist and is generally regarded as the world ’ s leading expert on hiring best practices . He has written 5 books on hiring including the New York Times / Wall Street Journal best seller Topgrading : 3rd Edition . Topgrading methods have enabled hundreds of small companies and leading companies such as General Electric , American Heart Association , and Barclays to more than triple their success hiring high performers .
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