Risk & Business Magazine Cain Insurance Magazine Winter 2018 | Page 5

30 feature WELCOME RYAN CAIN THE CANNABIS ACT CONTENTS 5 LETTER FROM THE OWNERS 6 NEW STAFF 7 NEWS & EVENTS 8 HANDLING THE LEGAL MARIJUANA ISSUE AT WORK 12 HAPPY TO BE HEALTHY Welcome to the fall 2018 edition of Cain Insurance Risk & Business Magazine! We hope you and your loved ones enjoyed the summer and all that our beautiful province has to offer. With the use of cannabis now legal across Canada, this edition will explore the relationship between cannabis and your business. This edition will also focus on what businesses need to know about the Cannabis Act and the responsibilities surrounding the implementation of proper procedures. We would like to wish you all the best as we close out 2018 and enter a prosperous new year. As always, we encourage you to contact us should you have any questions and concerns regarding your insurance needs. Gretchen Rubin 14 REFERRAL MAGIC Best Regards, Tony Rubleski 16 STOP SERVING THE FEEDBACK SANDWICH Adam Grant 20 GREAT IDEAS NEED GREAT IMPLEMENTATION Jordan Belfort 22 SLOW MARKETING MOMENT Ann Handley Dan & Luke CAININSURANCE.CA 24 5 WAYS TO BUILD YOUR BUSINESS Verne Harnish 25 DID YOU SELL YOUR HOME? 26 DNA KITS AND YOUR RIGHT TO PRIVACY 28 CYBER LIABILITY INSURANCE 31 FREDERICTON STRONG 5