Risk & Business Magazine Cain Insurance Fall 2015 | Page 13
to make searches instead of going to to the library
and combing through a stack of reference books.
For me, a video conferencing tool called Appear.In has been
a great way to capture the sales value of being face-to-face,
without all the travel time that used to be associated with it.
Next, think of all the things you do daily, weekly, or monthly.
How much of your time is spent devoted to completing
all these tasks? Really ask yourself the tough questions,
like, how am I doing this? Am I doing this the best possible
way? How can I reduce the amount of time spent on this?
What do I really want to be spending my time on?
Take Facebook for example. Today, Americans spend an
average of 40 minutes a day on the social network. That
may seem like time spent on something that we didn’t
need before. But when Mark Zuckerberg first invented
Facebook, he had the ability to connect with friends on
mind. Think about how much time you spent keeping up
with your friends and staying up to date with them before
Facebook. It may not be as obvious as the light bulb or
the telephone, but Facebook is a time saving innovation,
and an important tool in many people’s toolboxes.
The commonality behind these kinds of tools is
that they save time, our most precious resource.
The final thing to do in building your toolbox is to find the
tools to help make you more efficient. Social media takes
up a huge part of my daily life, but my continued presence
on it is vitally important to my business and my personal
brand. My company’s product, Likeable Hub, is tailored to
making managing social media easier and more efficient
for small business owners. Using it, I now have lots more
time to devote to other aspects of my business and life.
By continually building our tool boxes, we become better,
more efficient, and more innovative people. Once you really
begin to examine your life, you will definitely find places where
tools can help you. And once you realize you need something,
it becomes natural to try and find a solution out there,
whether you find it and implement it, or you make it yourself!
Need an awesome social media tool for your business?
Go to LikeableRB.com or call 646-798-0261
to learn more about Likeable Hub, the tool
that automates social media for business.
Dave Kerpen is the the founder and CEO
of Likeable Local, the cofounder and
Chairman of Likeable Media, the
NY Times Bestselling author of 3 books, the
#1 LinkedIn Influencer of all time in pageviews, ahead of
Bill Gates, Jack Welch, Mark Cuban and Barack Obama,
and the proud father of Charlotte and Kate Kerpen.
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FALL 2015