Risk & Business Magazine Bowen Miclette & Britt Winter 2017 | Page 11

A WORKAHOLIC’S LESSON him to bed. My husband and I began to question if we were going to be able to sustain the marriage, or what was left of it. It all became too much, and in early December, I went to a hotel’s 22nd floor balcony and called my husband saying I couldn’t do life anymore. On December 14, I was hospitalized for severe depression and sent to a mental hospital for six days. They took my shoelaces, my hairbrush, my hardcover books, my hoodie sweatshirt, my shampoo, and yes, my coveted iPhone. It was exactly how it’s portrayed in the movies, unfortunately. NOT HAVING ANY ACCESS TO TECHNOLOGY FOR SIX DAYS WAS ANOTHER ONE OF THE BIGGEST BLESSINGS AND LESSONS FOR ME THIS YEAR. I highly recommend everyone reading this to do a technology detox, and often. And not just your phone—all technology. So, where am I today? Today, I’m in a lot of counseling and working with doctors to find the right combination of medicine to fight depression and get me back to full capacity. I’m working to mend and understand personal relationships and continue to remind myself that I don’t have people’s lives in my hand like a surgeon. I’m selling software, not trying to save a person’s life. Perspective, people. If you start thinking this way, I promise you’ll start evaluating life differently. I know I do. Here are the most important lessons I’ve learned this year after love and loss: Hug and call your family members often. You never know when it’ll be your last time. Sometimes unexpected layovers happen for a reason. Work can wait. On your deathbed, you’re not going to wish you had spent more time in the office. Remember when you lose a deal or a customer cancels a subscription that doctors and surgeons lose patients daily—PERSPECTIVE. Sometimes people are put in your life and you don’t know why. Be cautious and evaluate if they’re a blessing or a lesson. This is something I con