Emergency Hurricane Preparation
Checklist For Business Owners & Operators
Even if a hurricane does not put your company out of business , you may not be able to make contact with your customers or obtain important deliveries . To combat these risks , you must take the necessary steps before a disaster strikes to ensure business continuation .
Check local flood maps by visiting www . esri . com / services / disaster-response / floods / latest-news-map . html Also , have your building inspected by a licensed professional to ensure that the roof and other connections comply with the wind loading requirements for your area .
Consider installing impact-resistant film on your windows .
Gather a list of vendors and telephone numbers of individuals or entities that are critical to your daily operations . If you heavily rely on one or two vendors , consider adding a backup vendor outside of your area .
Prepare a list of companies that can assist you in recovery efforts , such as removing debris , moving and computer services . Provide employees with a chain of command and list of responsibilities in the event that a disaster strikes . Prepare a list of your employees and their contact information . Also find out where they may vacate to , if you are required to evacuate the city . Arrange for communication with your clients and customers , in the event of a disaster , to keep them informed .
Constantly diversify your customer base , products and sales locations . This will prevent a major loss , if a majority of your customer base is also affected by the hurricane .
Designate a remote phone number on your voicemail system for which you can record messages to employees in the event of an emergency .
Arrange for programmable call forwarding of your business lines with the phone company . Then you can call and reprogram your phones from a remote location , if needed .
Install emergency backup lights that turn on when the power goes out . Back up your data on a frequent basis and keep this information off-site .
Flashlight and extra batteries
Battery-powered radio
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Water stored in plastic containers
Paper plates , cups and utensils
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Ready-to-eat canned foods , fruits and vegetables . Also energy foods , such as granola bars . Select foods that do not require refrigeration , cooking or preparation . q
Urge employees to keep a three-day supply of their medications on-hand as well as pain relievers and stomach remedies . q
Urge employees to bring in a blanket . Manual can opener
Urge employees to keep an extra pair of reading glasses at work .
First-aid supplies : adhesive bandages , sterile dressing , roller gauze bandages , triangular bandages , gauze pads , germicidal hand wipes and alcoholbased sanitizer , non-latex gloves , adhesive tape , cold packs , scissors , tweezers and CPR face shield .
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Bolt tall bookcases and displays to the wall studs . q
Install latches on drawers to prevent them from flying open . q
Secure breakable items in a stand using hook-and-loop fasteners . q
Secure pictures and mirrors to the wall with closed screw eyes and wire . q
Install flexible connectors to appliances using natural gas and automatic fire sprinklers .
Back up your files and move this information off-site . Make arrangements to use alternative means of communication , especially if you cannot shut down your systems completely . Check your emergency supplies and stock up on any necessary items .
Place large objects on low shelving .
Secure your water heater to the wall studs with plumber ’ s tape or strap iron .
Help your employees get to their families safely . If it is not safe to leave the facility , establish a meeting point outside of the evacuation area for employees once you can leave .