Risk & Business Magazine Benson Kearley IFG Magazine Summer 2019 | Page 9

18 SUMMERS YOU’VE GOT 18 SUMMERS BY: JIM SHEILS, AUTHOR J oel Weldon is in his mid-70s, but if you met him, you’d guess he’s in his 50s. He still goes waterskiing with his family. He’s also one of the best speaking coaches in the world. A few years ago when Joel and I were developing some talks for board meetings, we got into a deep conversation about family and how fleeting time really is. That day, Joel said something that reshaped my entire perspective on family and the time I spend with my kids: “JIM, YOU’VE GOT 18 SUMMERS. YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I’M SAYING? YOU’VE REALLY ONLY GOT THOSE 18 SUMMERS TOGETHER WITH YOUR KIDS. THAT’S IT. SURE THEY’LL STILL BE YOUR KIDS AFTER THAT, BUT I’M TELLING YOU, IT’S DIFFERENT. YOU GOTTA GRAB THOSE 18 SUMMERS AND REALLY MAKE THE MOST OF THEM. AND BOY, DO THEY GO BY QUICK!” Many of you who are reading this are probably doing the simple math right now for each of your kids. Crazy, isn’t it?! And I really felt under the gun with my adopted sons since I didn’t adopt them until ages five and seven. This gave me a positive push to grab the time that we’ve got together. You can’t stop time and you can’t ignore this simple equation. So this summer, why not really step into it? Get done what you need to and go home early. Put the smartphone away! You’ve got a lifetime of emails and social media ahead of you, but you’ve only got 18 summers with your kids. (Some of you probably missed a few summers already because of busywork and iPhone interruptions.) This summer can be different. It’s just starting and you now know the math. You’ve got 18 summers. Go grab this one. + Motivated by what he saw as one of the most tragic challenges of modern life—the disconnection of busy entrepreneurs from their families—Jim Sheils developed the Family Board Meeting process to help business owners bridge the gaps between themselves and their loved ones. Since then, both Jim’s message and his book, the Amazon best seller "The Family Board Meeting," have spread around the globe. Often called “Crazy Glue” for families, Jim’s popular and simple frameworks now reach thousands of parents worldwide, helping them feel more connected with their kids, be happier at home and leave a lasting legacy. Jim is the founder of 18 Summers, which specializes in live events, workshops and private consulting for organizations looking to strengthen their family lives while still succeeding in business. JimSheils.com or 18summers.com 9