Risk & Business Magazine Benson Kearley IFG Magazine Summer 2019 | Page 30

MANAGING EMAILS EMAILS BY: DOUG BUNDOCK, BENSON KEARLEY IFG FRIEND OR FOE E mails have been around now for almost 30 years. Hard to believe, really. In 2016, more than 150 million emails were sent every minute of every day. That number has risen to over 190 million in 2018. Emails have replaced telex—for us old enough to remember—faxes, and phone calls and are now the number one way to communicate daily. I believe most companies have failed in helping employees deal with the 30 sheer volume and have also not properly trained them in email etiquette. As with speaking and writing, there is clearly a right way and a wrong way to work with emails. We all have a number. You check your emails in the morning and your inbox has several new ones. There is a certain number of emails where we feel we are in control, and then there is a number where we instantly panic and feel out of control. This unfortunately can send your head off to a very bad place first thing in the morning. Make sure your number is realistic and learn how to be ready for that number. Managing emails can be as simple as using colour-coded flags for different priorities or setting up folders to work within. Each person has their own preference, but it is imperative to have a system and work that system well. Follow the four Ds of email management: delete it, do it, delegate it, or defer it.