Risk & Business Magazine Benson Kearley IFG Magazine Summer 2019 | Page 3

16 FEATURE WELCOME SIMON SINEK THE SCIENCE OF WHY CONTENTS 3 LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT 4 BKIFG: NEWS AND EVENTS 6 100-YEAR-OLD PROVINCIAL PROHIBITION LAW FINALLY SEE’S THE LIGHT AT THE END OF A VERY LONG TUNNEL 9 YOU'VE GOT 18 SUMMERS Jim Sheils 10 GRIT WILL TAKE YOU FARTHER THAN TALENT Angela Duckworth 12 HOW SPONSORED CONTENT COULD KILL THE MEDIA Joe Pulizzi 14 7 CORE BELIEFS OF GREAT BOSSES Dr. Travis Bradberry 20 THIS ONE HABIT HOLDS TOP LEADERS BACK Judith E. Glaser 22 WHY IS IT SO HARD TO LIVE UP TO OUR VALUES? Shawn Hunter 24 TOP 7 SOFT SKILLS John DiJulius 26 PREPARE YOURSELF FOR THAT WORST-CASE SCENARIO 28 WHY EVEN SMALL BUSINESSES NEED CYBER LIABILITY PROTECTION Welcome to the 13th issue of Risk & Business Magazine! This has been a big year for us as we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Benson Kearley IFG! Benson Kearley IFG is committed to being a best-in-class insurance brokerage and promises to deliver the expertise and coverage to protect your business in these rapidly changing times. Our experience in the past couple of years has shown us that Cyber Security issues are now the biggest threat to your business. Not just the high profile examples that we hear about on the news, but many of our clients are experiencing an increased number of claims for Data Restoration, Business Interruption, Extortion & Ransom, Cyber Theft, Privacy Breach, Social Engineering, and Reputational Damage. We are excited to announce that Brenda Fletcher has joined our firm as our Cyber Risk Specialist. Brenda has an extensive background in this area having joined us from a multi-national insurance company working in the Cyber Claims Department. Her considerable knowledge of the technological landscape will allow us to identify and protect your business from the risks you are exposed to. We are committed to being an industry leader in Cyber Insurance and the expertise Brenda brings with her will further enhance our ability to provide the most comprehensive client experience. Sincerely, 30 EMAILS FRIEND OR FOE Steve Kearley, President bkifg.com 3