Ice Sheet Loss and Shrinking Glaciers: Global warming and rising temperatures also causes total ice volume to shrink as ice melts and becomes part of the ocean therefore raising sea level. If we stop global warming we will also slow the melting of icecaps and glaciers that are melting more and more quickly as temperatures rise. (“Sea Level Rise”, n.d.)
What You Can Do to Stop Global Warming:
1.Reduce Carbon Emissions: carbon pollution is the biggest contributor to climate change. You can reduce emissions by buying an electric car, carpooling/walking/biking to work or school, or by writing a letter to policy makers asking them to put controls on how much carbon is being put into the air. ("Prevent Rising Sea Levels”, n.d.)
2. Switch to a Clean Energy Economy: invest in solar, wind and biomass energy and ask policy makers to do the same. These forms of energy produce very little greenhouse gasses and switching to clean energy will stop greenhouse gasses in the troposphere from trapping in so much heat. ("Prevent Rising Sea Levels”, n.d.)
3. Get a home energy audit: See where your home is inefficient and can be improved use less hot water: It takes a lot of energy to heat water. You can use less hot water by installing a low flow showerhead or just use cold water. ("How To Stop Global Warming", n.d.)
4. Recycle and compost: You can save 2,400 pounds of carbon dioxide a year by recycling half of the waste your household generates. ("How To Stop Global Warming", n.d.)
5. Buy intelligently: Buy reusable bottles instead of plastic and think of where your products are coming from (buy local!). ("How To Stop Global Warming", n.d.)
6.Protect and conserve forests: deforestation now accounts for about 20% of carbon dioxide emissions each year. ("How To Stop Global Warming", n.d.)
7. Make sure your voice is heard: Send out letters and campaigns and tell congress and local government changes they can make to stop global warming and slow sea level rise! ("How To Stop Global Warming", n.d.)
8.Visit for a more thourough list of what you can do.