Rising Cases of Covid-19 Affects The Mental Health

Rising Cases of Covid-19 Affects The Mental Health
On 3 June 2021 , the Covid-19 cases were 8209 . This number could show us how many people are battling to keep on living . Many people are dealing with mental health but they did not realize it . Mental health is a very big issue and it could lead to many problems if there is no action . Since the Covid-19 are attacking all the population in this world , many people are losing their jobs and families , leading them to have mental illness . There are a lot of people who lost their families and they could not see each other even just to visit . Such a heartbreaking moment for them in this pandemic .
Mental health is about our psychological , emotional and social well-being . It is very important in our life . If we cannot handle our mental health properly , it will affect our daily activities . Schizophrenia , depression , bipolar are some of the mental health problems faced by many people in Malaysia . According to the 2019 National Health and Morbidity Survey , 2.3 percent of Malaysia ' s adult population suffered from depression . Well , we could see the percentage has been rising up since the pandemic in 2019 .
By 2020 , mental illness is going to be the second biggest health problem after heart disease in Malaysia . Nowadays , most of the teenagers in high school are facing mental illness which is depression . In addition , society will tell them that they became like that because of a lack of prayer . Losing families and friends because of this virus could make them sad for weeks or years . If there are no moves to overcome the sadness , it will lead them to have mental illness . Some of the patients in other countries has committed suicide as they could not face the Covid-19 pandemic .
The stigma from society gives a big impact to the patients by causing them to not have a good life . In fact , these people will be ignored . There are many factors that could lead to mental health problems such as biological factors , life experiences and family history of mental health problems .
In order to overcome this problem , there are some ways which are getting professional help such as the doctors . They will give medications and motivate the patients to stay healthy and happy . It will make the patients become normal just like other people .
Next , the patients must stay positive to overcome the mental health issue because when someone is happy and positive , they tend to not think about the problems and at the end , their mental health will become normal . Having a connection with friends and family is one of the ways as the patients need to get along with someone . As we are in the pandemic , connecting with them through some applications such as Google Meet and Zoom Meeting is a good idea as it can help us to stay safe . Most of the time , the patients tend to talk alone or they will talk to their imaginary friends . That is why connection is very important .